1. Select S.O.P from the drop down list then select the Orders icon.
2. Select New Record and select Sales Order from the drop down list.
3. On the pop up screen type in part of the company name or account code and click Search.
4. Select the correct company from the grid view list and lick Create.
5. Enter a Customer Reference.
6. If the account requires cost centers or customer department select from the drop down list accordingly. NOTE- Cost centers can be selected at line level. Customer departments can only be selected at header level.
7. Selected an order source from the drop down list.
8. Adding order lines:
9. In the bottom left hand corner of the screen, enter an item code or item description in the search box and click Search. TIP- % offers a wild card search in the search boxes.
10. Select a quantity.
11. To save the changes click the save button at the top of the screen.
12. To open the line order information, double click on the item in the grid view list.
Nett Price (unit Selling Price field)
Work out a Cost Margin/Mark-up % (Cost Margin %field)
Work out a RRP Discount % (RRP disc % field).
Extra Discount is on top of Unit selling Price (Nett Price)
- Description, Notes and Information:
- Invoice Description – this by default prints out on all relating forms (order acknowledgement, dispatch note invoice etc). This can be customized to the individual line if required.
- Buying Notes – entering text here will inform the buyer of any information relating to the product purchase.e.g. this should be used to refer to special pricing from a supplier with quote references etc.
- Product Notes – this is additional information relating to the product, i.e. if the item is a toner the product notes will show the machines this product fits
- Information – if the product lines is on an outstanding quote for this company it will inform you of the price quoted and number.
- To view alternative products to select ‘Alternative’ from the tabs at the bottom of the page.
1. Click Apply Alternative to apply the change.
2. To add/ update a contract price from an order select Additional Costs/ Contract Details then click the save button once changes have been made.
3. You can update the delivery method, delivery charge and location in the Header Detail tab. *There are two delivery charge fields, the option that states '(Included in Total Cost)' refers to the cost to yourself.
4. To navigate between multiple order lines you can use the navigation buttons.
5. After making all required changes click the save and close button to return to the sales order look up.