To enable back to back ordering you will need to enter the Prima Administration application
1. Go to System Keys, then click on Sales System Keys.
2. Double click on the Back to Back line. Set up for ‘Y’ enable for ALL orders meaning Direct, PWL and Standard, ‘D’ for Direct Deliveries and ‘N’ for Not Enabled.
3. Change to the relevant setting.
4. Save and Close
5. When you now Authorize an order, the back to back ordering will pop up depending on what has been set in the Administration ie only direct deliveries or all orders.The supplier will default to the preferred supplier; this can be changed if required by selecting an alternative supplier. To do this, select the alternative supplier and then un-tick the original supplier.
6. If all the suppliers are un-ticked then all the items will move to the bottom of the screen. Double clicking this line will move it back to the top.
7. If there is only one supplier in the supplier tab against the stock code then it will show that particular supplier in the SuppAccCode Column.
8. If there is no stock code against this item, it will show in the bottom part of the screen The following items will be placed in Requirements. This can not be placed on a back to back as there will be no supplier against this item due to it not having a stock code at this point.
9. Back to back require a Customer Reference so if no customer reference is entered on the sales order then it must be added at this point. If not then a message will pop up to advise that this has to be entered.
10. Once the Authorize & Back to Back Purchase has been clicked then a purchase order will automatically be created and sent straight away via the EDI on the next EDI run.
11. The order can be changed to a Standard order simply by clicking Std Authorization. All the lines will go to the Requirements list. To cancel at any point click Cancel and the order will be returned still in an outstanding status.
12. If the sales order has a mixture of lines with different delivery methods and the Administration is set to Direct orders only then the order will authorize as a standard delivery.