To search for a contact go to Company on the left hand side and select Contacts from the drop down list.
Type in the company name to which the contact belongs to in the search box and hit enter on your keyboard.
*TIP- If you click on the colored bar, you can enter specific requirement which allows you perform a more precise search.
A grid view of the company’s contacts will appear, select the appropriate contact from the grid.
Once the contact screen is displayed select ‘Web Access’ in the top left corner.
You will need to:
- Enter an account log on user name
- Enter an account password
- Tick Web Enabled
- Select what you would like to View (contract, catalog, orderpads/favorite lists)
- Tick whether to allow pad edits or restrict order pads
- Select a User Access Level
- Dictate and maximum order value and maximum monthly value
- Allocate delivery locations to web users
- Allocate cost centre and customer departments to web users
To select a user access level, select from the drop down list.
You now have more access levels for your Prima web users. Just open the contact in Prima and under the web access tab, choose the level that is most suitable:
Administrator – Can generate reports, create new users, and manage permissions of user. If customer has only one web user, then set as the administrator
Place Orders Only – Default when user is setup, can send own orders through to Prima without the need for anyone to authorize
Place Pending Orders Only – Can generate an order that requires either an ‘administrator’ or ‘place & authorize order’ user to authorize the order
Pending Orders Unless Contract Only Order – Can generate an order that requires either an ‘administrator’ or ‘place & authorize order’ user to authorize the order UNLESS all items on the order are on contract and the order will not need to be authorized
Pending Orders, Contract Items, Split Order – Can generate an order that requires either an ‘administrator’ or ‘place & authorize order’ user to authorize the order ONLY on non contract items. Items that are on contract will go through without authorization
Place & PreAuthorize Orders - Can generate own orders and pre-authorize other user's orders.
Place Pending Orders & PreAuthorize orders - Can generate an order that requires another person to authorize and also pre-authorize other user's orders.
Place & Authorize Orders -Can generate own orders and authorize other user’s orders.
Where an authorizer or pre-authorizer is required, select the appropriate authorizer by pressing Add.
Entering a value into the ‘Max Order Value’ and ‘Max Monthly Value’ will restrict the user spend limit. If left at £0.00 no spend limit is allocated. If the user goes over their limit the system will generate a pending order for an administrator to authorize or reject.
Default delivery location can be altered by the user and can be applied to where they can order for.
To add and remove restricted locations use the allocated buttons.
*Note- Only admin users can add new addresses in the webstore, otherwise you can add this for them in Prima Client
Allocating cost centre and customer departments to a web user can be done by clicking the Cost Centres/ Departments tab.
If the client has order pads and you wish to assign a default restricted access click on the Order Pads tab.