This applies only when Evolution output is via a Prima scheduled built-in task. It does not apply, when output is via script and Evolink on a Fast Host server.   

It transpires that built-in Prima tasks to output to Evolution X places the company and pricing XML files into a folder on Evolution (by FTP), using a username and password. These are provided by Evolution when the folder is created.  

the Evolution process to move the files from their folder to the customer area (they need to move it, so that the data is available to the customer) is fragile, intermittent and unreliable in the extreme. Most of the time, the files remain in the folder, leaving the customer wondering why his companies and contract pricing do not show on Evolution. Naturally, the customer blames Prima.  

A process to help Evolution (and hence our mutual customers) has been developed. This involves enabling 2-way on the Evolink on the customer EDI computer – the one which is there to collect sales order from Evolution. 

 When 2-way is active, the Evolink can be made to fetch the files from the Evolution folder, and then output them to the Evolution customer area, so that the files FTP’d by Prima into the folder then become visible on Evolution to the customer.  

The Evolink on the Fast Host server has been stopped (or else the files might be output twice).  This needs to be done, whenever the built-in Prima task is set up. There is a tick-box in the Evolink screen, to make Evolink restart, whenever the host server is restarted. The tick box needs to be cleared, so that Evolink will not restart in the event of a server reboot.  

Note the 2-way code – this is always the same and is independent of customer  - qh5n56Hm 

The path is irrelevant, but must the there. It is not used, but must be present. It does not matter what it is, but the folder it points to must exist. The 3 fields under that must be 1,0,3.  

Note also the ticked box “Include Prices”, This must be ticked.  

The important stuff is on the right. These point to the Evolution folder.  

URL is always the same – 

The login is the same as that used in the Prima built-in task  . Note there is no underscore. 

Similarly, the password is the same as in the Prima built-in task.

Finally, the path.  This must be the same as he login, bur with a preceding forward slash.  

Click the “Check 2-way settings” button, just to check.  

Finally, click the “ACCEPT” button at the top right, to save it all. Evolink will restart after the save, and you will need to then restart it.