Create Stock Product

1. Click on the New Record button and select Product

2. Enter the Stock Code, Technical Description and Invoice Description (Without these, you will not be able to save the stock product)

3. Enter any other details, such as Product Type, Pricing, Classifications

4. Click Create Product

5. Once created you can upload an image by clicking the upload icon on the bottom right of the image box.  

Add Pack Sizes

1. Click into the Product Unit & Pricing tab

2. The Each pack size will exist by default, to add a new pack size you will need to select the existing pack size and select the New icon.

3. Select the pack size from the drop down and update the pricing fields then select the Save icon at the top of the screen.

4. To set your new pack size as the Default Unit, return to the Main tab and select your new pack size from the Default Unit drop down list.

Add Supplier Information

1. Click Supplier button in Product Record

2. Click the box showing Click Here To Create New Record

3. Enter Supplier, Supplier code, description, purchase unit and pricing

You may need to create a company record for the supplier, if one does not already exist.

Add Attribute Information (for products marked to show on web only)

1. Click into the Extra Info tab.

2. Click the button which reads Add/ Edit Attribute

3. A pop up will appear and you will need to select an attribute group from the drop-down list.

4. You will then need to select an option from the Name drop down list and select a Value from the drop-down list for every Name option, clicking Add each time you do so.

5. Once each name has a value assigned, click Apply to Product, please note you will not be able to apply to the product until all names have a value set.

To ensure that the product it set to show on the webstore, you will need to ensure that both classifications and attributes are assigned, in addition the check box for Available on Internet for All Companies in the Product Unit and Pricing tab must be checked.