An orange notification icon will show in the bottom right hand side of the screen when new vendor catalogs are available.

1. Click the icon and a message will pop up to say 'New publications are available to be applied. Click here to start the process'

2. Click the message and the publications will be listed.

3. Click Apply and all the publications that are ticked will download into the database

*Please note the catalogs will then download in the evening so that it does not impact the speed of your system during business hours. This means the EDC needs to be left running overnight on a machine that does not go into sleep mode.

Before Importing:

Ensure any customized stock codes linked to your catalogs are ticked as ‘protected’ in the main tab of the product so their code, default pack size, description, image are not affected (please note sell prices and cost prices will still update from the catalog)



Once imported:

1. Mark any non-taxable items (coffee, tea, etc.) as tax exempt if you need to, follow the link below for instructions:

2.  Discontinue any items that no longer have a vendor available so that they are no longer available on the web:

3. Update any new catalog items with your pricing bands