1. Go into the Publication module and Mailer Grid Manager
  2. Select the Mailer Name from the drop-down box
  3. Click Search
  4. In the Results tab, remove any lines you don't wish to update by highlighting them and click Remove Selected Records button.
  5. In the Change tab, tick Update Selling Price to, select criteria from the drop down and enter amount. The choices for updating the selling price are:

    Increase by THIS Set Amount =>

    Increase by THIS Set % =>

    Decrease by THIS Set Amount =>

    Decrease by THIS Set % =>

  6. Click the ‘Apply’ button to confirm these changes

Option 2

  1. Go into the Publication module and Mailers
  2. Double click into the mailer 
  3. Click on the Pink Bar above the mailer to use the extended search function
  4. Click the Export Mailer button, which will bring up a pop-up box.
  5. An excel file will be created listing all the items in the mailer.
  6. To import back, the spreadsheet should contain ONLY the first 3 columns, MAINID, SUBID and NEW-MAILERPRICE. Delete all other columns.
  7. Once all the changes have been made, the spreadsheet needs to be saved as a CSVfile. DO NOT change the heading names.
  8. On the EDC machine, drop the file into the PrimaV6 > Imports folder
  9. The mailer prices will now be updated from the CSV file.

Note- The mailer prices will only be updated from the CSV file if the EDC is running