Catalog Checks
- You can check the cost price against the vendor catalog in Publications>Catalogs
- Check the Publication has not Expired
- Check the latest catalogs are imported.
- Check that the latest Best Price file has downloaded/Terms file has applied to the Catalog. If not, apply the latest Terms file and check again.
Product Record Checks
- Check the Cost Price in Product Units/Pricing tab of the Product record is correct
- Check the pricing method in the main tab of the Product record ....
- If this is set to Preferred Supplier last price, check that the correct Vendor in the Product is marked as Preferred, by clicking on Vendor button in Product record. If this is not correct amend and apply the best price files/terms files again.
- Check the Batch Price(s) in the Balances area to see if the cost price against inventory on hand is correct
- If many products are affected then follow the Housekeeping section on managing prices.
- Check if the Product is in a PACT file against the customer which you are raising an order against.
Sales Order Checks
- The default cost that shows on a sales order line will come from the product record and is usually based on either the preferred vendor or an average cost price paid
- If the inventory or linked PO that the item is coming from has a different cost to the default cost price, it will write back ONLY once the line has been fully despatched