Finding an Existing Company. 2
Getting a Customer ready for Invoicing. 3
CRM from the Contact Lookup. 6
CRM from the Contact Grid Manager 7
Updating Primary and Financial Locations/Contacts. 7
Company Pricing & Web Setup. 8
Adding Lines to a Contract Via the Contract Screen. 9
Adding Lines to a Contract Via the Import Template. 10
Adding Contract Lines via Sales Quote/Sales Order 10
Editing Current Contract Lines. 10
Importing a Brand-New PACT File. 11
Importing an Updated PACT File. 11
Assigning a Product to a Pricing Band. 12
Automating the application of Items Mapping to Pricing Bands. 12
Assigning a Band to a Company. 12
Assigning Pricing Bands in Bulk. 13
Assigning A Default Matrix. 13
Assigning A Mailer to a Company. 14
Assigning A Mailer to a batch of Companies. 14
Task 1
Company Setup & Defaults
Creating a New Company
- To create a new Company, select the ‘New Record’ at the very top of Prima and from the dropdown menu select ‘Company’
- You will be met with a pop-up box that will allow you to input some basic information to create the company, most of this information is the default.
- Once happy with the information entered, click ‘Create & Open’ to continue updating information against that company, alternatively, you can click ‘Create & Close’ which would create the company, you will be able to go back and edit the company information another time.
- By default, you will have an HQ Location. If you double click into the location you can edit the address within here if need be and once done you can hit the ‘Save Icon’ in the top left-hand corner of the location screen. You can create new locations within a location screen by clicking the ‘New Icon’ in the top left-hand corner.
- Updating contacts is done using the same method. From within the ‘Main’ company area, you will be able to see a list of locations in the center and at the bottom a list of contacts. You can double click into an already existing contact and create and edit contacts from here.
- This is the basic creation of a company; other information can be edited from the various tabs available in the Company Record such as Invoice Profiles, Cost Centers, Departments.
Finding an Existing Company
- To find an existing company within Prima you can navigate to the Company > Companies section on the left-hand side and click into the Companies option.
- In the Companies Tab, you will be able to search as a default on Account Code, Company Name, Zip Code, and Company Type. If you click the blue bar above these options this will expand the search to allow you to search on more than just these 4 options.
- Once you have entered the criteria you wish to search upon, you can then hit the Search button at the very top of Prima and this will run a search on the information you have entered.
Company Defaults
- You can set up some company defaults which can make the process of setting up companies and customers a little bit easier further down the line, this can also help avoid certain issues with pricing not being set up and invoice profiles not being set up as well.
- To check what has been defaulted during the setup of a company you need to go into the Administration section of Prima. To do this, open a new Prima Cloud login box and change the Application to Administration and the sign-in.
- Once in the Administration navigate to System Keys > Company Defaults and check a box for company defaults
- The Key Info is what the different options you can default, whereas the Key Data is what the default has been set as.
- Some options in here can give you a default selection, whereas other options allow you to select whether something is mandatory or not upon company creation as an example, Customer Offers.
- To change an option in here, double click the Key Info line that you wish to change, and then from the following pop-up box, it will allow you to select the default or specify Y or N for the mandatory options.
Getting a Customer ready for Invoicing
Invoice Profiles are used to gather the invoice lines in different formats as per customer requests an explanation of the formats is below:
No Invoice Profile | If this is set, then you would not be able to invoice the customer as no lines will show within the Invoice available Lines section. No Customer should have this setting |
Merged Invoice | This will consolidate all dispatched lines only into 1 invoice. If you select this option, you can specify how often you wish for the consolidated using the ‘Invoice Date Profile’ |
Single Invoice by Sales Order | This option will generate an invoice of the dispatched lines from a sales order. |
Single Invoice by Dispatch Note | This will generate an invoice by the lines on a dispatch note. |
Single Invoice by Fully Dispatched Sales Order | No lines will appear to be invoiced until All lines have been dispatched and group these lines by sales orders. |
Merged Invoices by Location | Prima will generate a merged invoice per delivery location. |
Merged Invoices by Cost center | Prima will generate a merged invoice by each individual cost center. |
Merged Invoices by Department | Prima will generate a merged invoice per customer department. |
Merged Invoices by Customer Reference | Prima will generate a merged invoice per customer reference. |
To Set an Invoice Profile you will need to go into a Company record and then onto the Customer tab.
On the Customer tab, you will need to select from the Invoice Profile drop-down the relevant profile the customer wants.
Depending on the profile you may also need to select an Invoice Date Profile – There are 4 options here: Standard – If this is set any items that have been dispatched will show in the Sales Invoice Available Lines section. If you set the Invoice Date Profile to be Weekly/Monthly/Biweekly, then items will not display until 3 days before the Next Invoice Date which is an option below.
As an example, if you set the Invoice Date Profile to be Monthly and the Next Invoice Date to be December, 31 dispatched items for that company would only show in the Invoice available lines 3 days before. Once you have processed and generated your Invoices due to the Invoice Date Profile being set to Monthly it will automatically generate the Next Invoice Date to the end of the following month.
The last thing you would need to look for when making sure your customers are set up ready to be invoiced is the Invoice Medium – This is the method in which the customer's invoices are going to be sent. There are several options here which are Email, Fax, Letter, Phone or None. The common options are Email and Letter these will depending on select email the invoices to the customer or print them out, so they can be posted, the Batch Process will separate these.
Cost Centers
A Cost Center is a part of an organization that allows costs to be allocated for invoicing purposes.
- To Create a Cost Center, you will need to find the company you wish to set this against and click into the Customer tab.
- Once there, at the very bottom in the center is the option to Add. This will allow you to put in a Cost Center Code and then Cost Center Info.
- If you are going to be using Cost Centers, then it may well be worth using the option on the Customer Tab to ensure that cost centers are compulsory. There is a tick box to the left that says Cost Centers Compulsory? If this is selected, then any sales orders for that company will not be able to be processed without a Cost Center being assigned.
Company Departments
A Customer Department can be used in conjunction with Cost Centers, you may have a Cost Center for Marketing but then within that Cost Center you may have 2 Departments for Graphical Design Team and then Social Media Team which allows you to have tiers against the cost centers.
- To create a Customer Department, you will need to find the company you wish to set this against and click into the Customer tab.
- Once there in the bottom right-hand corner is the option to create a Customer Department.
- If you click Add a pop-up box will show which will allow you to add a Customer Department Code and Customer Department Info.
- If you are going to be using Customer Departments, then it may well be worth using the option on the Customer Tab to ensure that cost centers are compulsory. There is a check box to the left that says Cust Dept Reqd If this is selected, then any sales orders for that company will not be able to be processed without a Cost Center being assigned.
Company Grid Manager
The Company Grid Manager is a very useful tool that can be used to update companies on mass.
- To access the Company Grid Manager if you go to Company > Company with the Cog next to it
- This will allow you to run specific searches and then using the Results tab you can then remove certain records from being updated if required.
- If you are looking to make a change on mass, you can go to the Change tab and run the updates available depending on what you are looking to do.
Parent/Child Setup
A Parent & child relationship between companies allows a pricing link as well as invoicing link between two separate companies which is perfect for customers who have multiple separate branches all being controlled by one head ‘Parent’ account. Contract pricing will pull through from the parent company also – See pricing rules for more detail on this.
- If you go into a company you wish to set as a child account, on the main tab in the very center of the screen is a search box
- If you enter the account code of the parent company and search.
- Once the company has been selected just hit save and that is set as a Parent/Child.
- You can set the invoice address to be the parent company within the invoice address dropdown and select the PARENT location.
Task 2
Contact/Location Setup
Creating a New Contact
- To create a new Contact if you go to the Company you wish to create a new contact for
- Click into an Existing Contact and then click the New Icon in the top left of the screen.
- This will now give you a blank contact page and allow you to input the contact name and other information for the new contact you are creating.
- Once you have entered all relevant information click the Save Icon in the top left and then this Contact will now be added.
Financial/Primary Contact
Web Access Tab
The web access tab is used to set up Contacts to be able to access the PrimaGo store, within here you can customize the user's experience as you can limit access to certain areas and what they can see, etc.
- To find the Web Access tab you need to click into a Contact you wish to set up online and at the top click the Web Access tab.
- In the Web Access tab you will need to set the following at a minimum to ensure the contact is set up:
- Acc Login – This is the username for the contact to log in to the PrimaGo Store, this is usually their email address but can be anything.
- Password
- Web-Enabled – This tick box determines if the user is set to use the online store or not. Tip – this will only stay checked if the above fields have been filled in.
- Std. Orderpads – This option will allow the user to view Favorite Lists online
- Std. Catalogs – This option will allow the user to view the standard catalog items online
- Contract – This option will allow the user to view contract items online
- User Access Level – This needs to be set to one of the following options:
- Administrator – User has full access to all settings and orders; can authorize any other users orders also, and Orders do not need to be authorized
- Place Orders Only – Users orders do not need to be authorized by anyone but does not have access to the same user settings an Administrator does, and the user cannot authorize other users’ orders
- Place & Authorize Orders – User is the same as place orders only but can authorize other users’ orders.
- Place Pending Orders Only – User has the least admin privileges and must have another user authorize orders
- Other settings to look for are:
- Start Page – defines which page this user starts from on the login
- Min/Max Order Value – Can set limits for min and max order values per customer requirements
- Max Monthly Value – Allows users to set a monthly budget for orders coming through the webstore
- Log to Child – If companies are using the Parent/Child set up then this option will allow said user to login to all child companies web accounts from my account page in PrimaGo with their user access levels
- Show Invoices – The user can see copy invoices online.
- Authorizers – Select a specific contact to authorize an individual’s orders. To Add a User in you can click the Add button and any users that meet the criteria can be selected from the dropdown.
- Orderpads Tab – This section allows you to restrict certain users from seeing a specific Favorite List or set of Favorite Lists. If you click the option to Restrict Orderpads the users will only be able to see any Favorite Lists that are showing within the Restricted Order Pads section. If you wish to add a favorite list here, click the Add button, and from the dropdown select your Favorite list.
- Delivery Locations – This section allows you to restrict certain delivery locations that a user can see when checking out. You can specify a Default Delivery Location from the dropdown. If you are looking to restrict a user from seeing other delivery locations then you can tick the Restrict Locations option then any Locations that are in the Restricted Locations box the user can see. To add a location into here you need to click the Add button and then from the dropdown select a location you wish for this user to have access to.
- Cost Centers/Departments – This allows you to select default cost centers and departments and works in the same way as the Favorite Lists and Delivery locations.
Prima CRM
CRM from the Contact Lookup
The CRM is a section with the contacts of Prima which allows you to run different queries based on spend and ordering patterns to find a certain selection of customers you can market upon.
- You can access the CRM through the Contact Grid Manager or the Contact Lookup.
- To start off we are going to go to Companies > Contacts and to find the CRM Queries you need to click the blue bar at the very top of the Contacts Lookup this will show you the extended search criteria. In the bottom left-hand corner is a box that will say CRM Query Not Selected click on this.
- Once selected from the drop-down, you have the option for the different Queries:
- Companies that have not spent [W] (Total) in the last [X] days after spending at least [Y] (Total) in the prior [Z] months – This query will allow you to specify the certain areas to see where in a value the customers spend has dropped off in the last specified period.
- Companies that have spent [W] (total) in the last [X] days after spending less than [Y] (total) in the prior [Z] months – This will allow you to see customers who have increased in spend
- Companies buying for the first time within the last [X] days– This will allow you to see any first-time buyers
- Companies that have not spent [W] (%) in the last [X] days of total spend in the last [Z] months – This will allow you to see customers whose spend has dropped by a certain percentage rather than a value.
- Once you have specified your certain query and inputted the criteria you wish to meet hit Apply.
- Once the query has been applied you can hit the Search icon in the taskbar of Prima to search on your query.
- This will return all contacts from companies who meet these criteria, if you wanted to be more specific and search on Account Manager or Classifications you can do so.
- You can easily export this data by Right Clicking the grid and clicking Export to Excel
CRM from the Contact Grid Manager
- To access the Contact Grid Manager, go to Companies > Contacts with the cog next to it.
- You will be able to see the CRM Query Not Selected In the bottom left corner of the Grid Manager
- Run your query in the same way as the Contact Lookup then hit Apply
- On the Change Tab the 2 most common options that are used with the CRM is:
- Create Journal and Assign to Account Manager – You can specify the Subject and then assign notes, this will create a task basically for the account managers to investigate the specific search so e.g. customer spend drop-off please call.
- Send Contacts to Address Book – this can be used if Prima has been integrated into Max email/Mailchimp and will update lists in there with contact details, so Email marketing campaigns can be sent out.
- Depending on the action you are looking to run, hit Apply.
Creating a New Location
- To create a new Location, go to the Company you wish to create a new location for
- Click into an Existing Location and then click the New Icon in the top left of the screen.
- This will now give you a blank Location page and allow you to input the Address and other information for the new contact you are creating.
- Once you have entered all relevant information click the Save Icon in the top left and then this Location will now be added.
Updating Primary and Financial Locations/Contacts
Within every company, there is an option to set the default location, invoice location, default contact, and financial contact.
- To set a default location, go to the company you want to make the change to.
- On the left-hand side of the main tab you have two options Primary Location, Invoice Location
- From the dropdowns, you can select the location code for the primary and invoice location.
- To update the Primary and Financial Contacts, go into the company and contact you wish to edit.
- Double click on the contact you wish to edit.
- Just below all the contact information, there are two checkboxes. One for Financial Contact and another for Primary Contacts
- Check the relevant option you want to select and click Save.
Task 3
Company Pricing & Web Setup
Pricing Hierarchy
This is how Prima enables users to price effectively using different modules throughout Prima, it works on a 1 – 10 where 1 is the highest priority and whatever price is set here will be pulled in down to 10 which is the lowest.
- Featured/Special Price Product – The featured/special price within a product is the current highest priority pricing module, you can set a specific price for this to pull in at and a time frame for this to work.
- Customer Standard Contract – A contract list is a set pricing list that can be priced using either fixed pricing or a mark-up/margin basis in which the price would go up and down depending on if the cost went up or down.
- Customers Ultimate Parent Standard Contract – This is a contract list set against a parent company when using the Parent/Child setup – Pricing will pull in for the child accounts from the very top parent account.
- Customers PACT Contract – PACT Is a 3-way agreement between vendor/dealer/customer in which you get special cost prices and set selling prices.
- Customers Ultimate Parent PACT Contract – This is the same as a PACT, but it is set against the top parent account in the parent-child setup.
- Customers Standard Matrix Bands - If a Product is sold that has a Matrix Band that exists in the new Customers Matrix Band list then a Mark-up or Margin will be calculated over the Units Landed Cost.
- Customers Default Matrix - If the Customer has the Default Matrix enabled and a Percentage has been entered then the price will be calculated using either a Mark-up or Margin over either the Products Landed Cost or the Catalog Items Unit Cost if the item is not currently a Product. This option is not utilized if the company is a Cash Sales company.
- Customers Ultimate Parent Matrix Bands – As for the Customers Standard Matrix Band above but for when the Product exists against the Ultimate Parent
- Direct Mailer Pricing - If the Customer is set to the Direct Mailer Pricing Method and the code entered exists within a mailer allowed to the customer and the code matches a code in that mailer's Mailer Code or Prefixed / Suffixed code column then the mailer price is used.
- Cheapest Price Using Any / All of the following:
- A Mailer price against any mailer allowed to the customer where the item entered exists and the customer is not set to use Direct Mailer Pricing and is not a Cash Sales Customer using the New till Program and the Mailer is in date.
- If the item is a Product then the product unit's selling price, if the customer is a cash sales customer then the List Price is used instead unless the program is the New till it will be then new price incl tax.
- If the item is a Product and a Discount Band has been entered against the customer then this Discount is off the Product Selling Price, if it is not a Cash Sales Customer. If the Default Discount Band has also been entered, then this will also be considered.
- If the item is a product and has been set against a discount band that has quantity ranges then the appropriate discount for the quantity entered off the Selling Price again if the customer is not a Cash Sales Customer.
- If the item exists against a catalog marked as ‘Best Pricing’ then either the Selling Price against the catalog (s) or in the cash of a cash sales company the list price from the Catalog(s) and the catalog (s) are in date.
- If the company is not a cash sales company and the item exists in a best-priced catalog and then the default discount band has been set against the Company then this discount is off the selling price and the catalog is in date.
- If the company is not a cash sales company and the item exists in the best pricing catalog that has a discount band also present against the company then that discount is off the selling price and the catalog is in date.
- If the item does not exist in the best price catalog then the cheapest price from any catalog that is in date.
Featured/Special Pricing
- To set an item to be a Featured/Special Priced product go into Stock > Products > Search for your item
- Once in your Stock Product go to the Products Units / Pricing tab
- In here look to the right-hand side for the Featured Product / Special Priced? checkbox and select this
- Just below this, look for the Featured / Price Date whatever you set to be the featured price will pull in till this date has passed.
- To set the Special Price, look at the Pack Sizes at the very middle of the Product Units / Pricing tab and select the Pack Size you wish to set the special price for.
- Look for the Special Price field and enter your price and save once done.
- One thing to bear in mind is that for these items sometimes you may still want the Contract price to override, in the top right-hand corner there is an option to Include Contract Price? What this will do will take the cheapest price out of the Special Price or Contract Price.
Contract Pricing
Adding Lines to a Contract Via the Contract Screen
- Navigate to the contract screen by going to Company > Companies > Search for your company > Double Click into a Company
- Once in the Company on the main tab on the right-hand side, there is a button that will either say Create Contract or Contract/PACT Lists
- Once in the contract screen, you will have the option at the very bottom to Create a New Record
- You are then able to search for an item using the Item Search Box.
- Once you have hit search you can then select from the 2 pricing types just to the right, the first being Standard Pricing which is a fixed price and then Mark-up/Margin which will allow you to make a certain percentage based on the cost.
- If you select Standard Pricing, the option to add in just a selling price will be highlighted
- If you select Mark-up/Margin, the option for a Mark-up %, then you would set the margin % you wish to make.
- Once you are happy, just click Save.
Adding Lines to a Contract Via the Import Template
Within Prima you can import contract lines on mass using a CSV import template and the EDC, making the process a lot more streamlined.
- The import template has the following headings which need to be populated:
- AccCode - The Account Code of the company you want to assign this to
- ItemCode - Item Code you wish to add as a contract line
- InvDesc – Invoice Description of the item not essential
- PackSize – Pack size of that item you wish to add into the contract, this is not essential, Prima will pick up the default pack size of that product but if you are going to populate this then it is numerical e.g. individual items should be 1, PK2 is 2
- SellingPrice – fixed selling price for that contract line, if using other pricing method leave blank
- MarkupMargin – specify the margin you wish to be making, if you are using another pricing method, leave blank.
- Once you have imported the data into the template save it as a CSV file.
- This will need to be imported using the EDC by inserting the CSV file into the C:/PrimaV6/Imports folder on the machine that is running the EDC.
- If in the right format, then it will process the file on the job Process External Import/Exports and any issues with any of the lines within the import will be outputted into the Errors folder.
Adding Contract Lines via Sales Quote/Sales Order
One of the most frequently used ways to add items into a contract is using sales quotes or orders, this allows users, once they have sold goods, to put these items onto contracts at that fixed price thereon.
- Find your Sales order by going to SOP > Sales Orders or Sales Quotes and searching for the specific sales order/quote or customer.
- Once in the sales order/quote at the very bottom, you have the option for Add Lines to Contract if you select this a screen will show with lines on it, from here you can see if a line Is on contract already and add selected items in based off a specific pricing method. The pricing will be taken from what has been inputted onto the order.
- If you wish for the item to be added as a Fixed selling price select the lines and click Selling Pricing
- If you wish for the item to be added as a mark-up/margin select the lines and click Margin / Mark-up
Current Contract Lines
Once you have added the lines to the contract there will come a point in time that you will be required to edit some pricing or delete a line from the contract.
- If you navigate into the contract via the company or Contract > Contracts and searching for your customer
- Once in the contract in the very top left corner, you have the option to Start A Revision and this is just like a contract review mode, any changes you make within a revision are not definite, so this allows you to price up a new contract without affecting your customer's current pricing.
- You will be able to see all lines in here as well as view your customer's history by clicking history in the top right corner.
- To Edit a line, you can click into the line and then change price, pack size, mark-up from the section at the very bottom.
- To delete a line, you can highlight the line/s and then hit the Delete Selected Lines, and this will remove the lines from the revision.
- Once happy with the changes you have made you can then apply the changes you’ve made in one of two ways
- One way is Applying a Major Revision, this will completely remove all data from a contract such as the Frequency, quantity and total turnover plus more. Major Revision is usually applied yearly to refresh the data so informed changes can be made based on what the customer has or has not been purchasing from the contract.
- The other way is an Interim Revision, this will only update the changes you have made to products from a pricing point of view and adding or deleting lines, no other information such as frequency and quantity will be updated which will allow the users to make changes periodically without losing this key data.
PACT Pricing
A PACT is a 3-way contract agreement between the vendor (SPR, Essendant), The dealer, and the customer to fix cost prices and sell prices for a defined period
Importing a Brand-New PACT File.
- A .css file would be sent over from a vendor to the dealer.
- Our data team would then format the file into a Prima-friendly format and send it back ready to import.
- You would need to put the file into the C:/PrimaV6/Imports folder on the machine that runs the EDI it would then get picked up and processed into prima.
- You will need to then assign the PACT file to an account.
- If you go to Contract > Contracts
- Search for the relevant customer
- Then select the colored bar at the very top of the grid and select Assign Imported PACT Files
- Then select the customer and supplier from the dropdown and select Update PACT File
Importing an Updated PACT File
- A .css file would be sent over from the vendor to the dealer.
- Our data team would then format the file into a Prima-friendly format and send it back ready to import.
- You would need to put the file into the C:/PrimaV6/Imports folder on the machine that runs the EDI it would then get picked up and processed into prima.
Pricing Bands
A Pricing band is a method in which a dealer can group items together to set on a specific discount percentage or on a certain percentage from cost.
Creating a Pricing Band
- To create a pricing band, you will need to log into the administration. Change the application to Administration when logging into Prima.
- Once in the admin, go to General > Pricing Bands
- Once in the Pricing Bands area, Click New Pricing Band
- You will be prompted to select a Band Type which will be either Discount or Margin
- Discount will give you a percentage discount from price incl tax.
- Margin will work out a specific percentage you make on top of Cost
- You can give this a Band Name to identify the band
- Number of Ranges will allow you to set certain discounts based on quantities ordered so if you order more you get a bigger discount.
- Description this is just a description of what the band is.
Tip – Pricing bands are usually set up on Customer install and are based on specific lettering from Certain Suppliers which can be found against a catalog item under Manufacturer info 4 e.g. letter A could be Branded items
Assigning a Product to a Pricing Band
- You can manually set up products to go to specific Pricing Bands
- To do this you need to go to Publications > Publication Grid Manager
- You would search upon a specific catalog i.e. SPR or Essendant and then a specific letter within the Manu. Info 4 field and then search this will return all items within that listing
- If you go to the Change Tab you can then select the option to Update Pricing Band To and then select your specific band and hit Apply
Automating the application of Items Mapping to Pricing Bands
To make life easier you do not have to always update the pricing bands manually using the Grid Manager, you can set up what is known as Catalog Mapping
- To Set up Catalog Mappings you need to go to the Administration
- Go to General > Catalog Mappings
- Please click New Mapping
- From Type select the mapping for the supplier you wish to set this up for.
- Then select the Supplier (vendor) specifically
- State the Manufacturer Info 4 letter from the dropdown
- Select the Band you automatically want these letters to assign to from the very bottom option.
Assigning a Band to a Company
- For the pricing bands to work you will need to assign them to the company record.
- If you go to Company > Companies > Search for your Company
- Once in your company record go to the Product & Pricing tab
- On the left-hand side, you have the option to Add Band
- From the dropdown select the Band and specify the Discount/Margin
Assigning Pricing Bands in Bulk
- You can assign pricing bands in bulk to everyone using the Company Grid Manager
- If you go into the grid manager and then search for your customers
- Once the search has come back go to the Change tab
- Select the option for Pricing Band and from the drop-down select the band and input your Discount/Margin
- Hit apply once you are happy with the criteria and rinse and repeat until you have assigned all relevant bands.
Customer Offers
A customer offer is a collection of pricing bands that allow you to specify certain percentages and manage these as one bulk rather than add one band at a time you can manage all the bands within one customer offer.
- To Set up a Customer Offer, login to the Administration
- Once in the admin go to General > Customer Offers
- Click Add Customer Offer
- Input an Offer Name and then click Save Offer
- Select your Band from the dropdown at the bottom and input your Discount/Margin and then click Update
- To add a new Band, click Add Band
- To then assign the Customer offer to a company you go to the Product & Pricing tab in the Company record and on the top right-hand side there is a Customer Offer drop down just select your offer and click Save
Assigning A Default Matrix
Using the default matrix, you can assign a blanket margin % across the board.
- To set this if you go into Company > Companies and search for your company
- Go into the Contracts page
- Then onto the Matrix Bands tab
- If you check Default Matrix Enabled? And then next to this is a Default Percentage whatever you enter here will work on a margin basis.
Direct Mailer Pricing
Using direct mailer pricing will allow the mailer price to overwrite other cheaper prices from catalogs and the stock products. Please note for this to work you must have a mailer code against the item, this is usually used if there is a special mailer code in which the customer must quote to get the special price.
You will need to enable direct mailer pricing against your customers for this to work:
Go into the Company and Companies module
Search for the Company Name or Account Code
In the company record, go into the Product & Pricing tab
- Within this area, on the right-hand side, you should be able to see Direct Mailer Pricing as an option.
Creating A Mailer
- Go into the Publications and Mailers module
- Click the box at the bottom section with the Mailer name and select the ‘New’ icon from the top of the screen.
- Enter the Mailer Name, start date and Expiry Date and Save
- Double-click into the mailer in the gird
- Click the New button
- A pop-up box will appear for you to enter the details for the product you wish to add to the mailer
- Click Save and repeat for the rest of the items
Assigning A Mailer to a Company
Go into the Company and Companies module
Search for the Company Name or Account Code
In the company record, go into the Product & Pricing tab
Click the Add Publication button
Select the Mailer from the drop-down and click Add
Assigning A Mailer to a batch of Companies
Go into the Company module and click Company Grid Manager
In the grid manager, enter your criteria and click Search
If needed go into the Result tab and remove any companies you do not want the mailer assigned to
In the Change tab, tick the Publication box and select the mailer from the drop-down
Click Apply
Practical Assessment
Using the Support database and the steps above you will need to create the following:
Customer Setup
- Create a New Company, Name this whatever you want.
- The Company has 2 locations, a New York and Atlanta location
- The company has 3 contacts; Carl Hickbread, Dan Gleables, and Jenny Green.
- All contacts have email addresses
- In the Web Access, set up PrimaGO login details and enable.
- Carl the Authorizer
- Dan and Jenny set to Place Pending orders only.
- Dan is restricting to the Atlanta location
- Jenny is restricted to New York
- Setup MARKETING and ACCOUNTS Cost Centers
- Dan is restricted to ACCOUNTS cost center
- Make this the child company of The Dog Inn Restaurant.
- Set the company to be invoiced monthly by the cost center and to receive an email for invoices.
Customer Pricing
- Create a new Customer offer called Diamond Offer and apply it to the customer record, add 5 pricing bands at different percentages.
- Create a new mailer add 5 lines to the mailer, 3 with standard pricing and 2 with margin assign this and Kellyisthebest mailer to the company
- Create a contract and add 4 standard price lines and 5 margin-based lines.
Once you have created the above, even if you can’t do a certain section email the company name.
This is the final section of the Prima Company & Pricing Management Course. In order to pass through to the next module, you will need to achieve at least 90% or more.