Creating a Sales Order

Cost Prices

Call Off Orders

Back to Back ordering

Order Statuses

Deleting a Sales Order line

Imported Orders

Orderpads / Favorite Lists  - Need Content for this


Task 1

1. Select S.O.P from the drop down list then select the Orders icon.

2. Select New Record and select Sales Order from the drop down list.

3. On the pop up screen type in part of the company name or account code and click Search.

4. Select the correct company from the grid view list and lick Create.

5. Enter a Customer Reference.

6. If the account requires cost centers or customer department select from the drop down list accordingly. NOTE- Cost centers can be selected at line level. Customer departments can only be selected at header level.

7. Selected an order source from the drop down list.

8. Adding order lines:

9. In the bottom left hand corner of the screen, enter an item code or item description in the search box and click Search. TIP- % offers a wild card search in the search boxes.

10. Select a quantity.

11. To save the changes click the save button at the top of the screen.

12. To open the line order information, double click on the item in the grid view list.


Net Price (unit Selling Price field)

Work out a Cost Margin/Mark-up % (Cost Margin %field)

Work out a RRP Discount % (RRP disc % field).

Extra Discount is on top of Unit selling Price (Net Price)


  • Description, Notes and Information:
  • Invoice Description – this by default prints out on all relating forms (order acknowledgement, despatch note invoice etc). This can be customized to the individual line if required.
  • Buying Notes – entering text here will inform the buyer of any information relating to the product purchase.e.g. this should be used to refer to special pricing from a supplier with quote references etc.
  • Product Notes – this is additional information relating to the product, i.e. if the item is a toner the product notes will show the machines this product fits
  • Information – if the product lines is on an outstanding quote for this company it will inform you of the price quoted and number.
  • To view alternative products to select ‘Alternative’ from the tabs at the bottom of the page.

1. Click Apply Alternative to apply the change.

2. To add/ update a contract price from an order select Additional Costs/ Contract Details then click the save button once changes have been made.

3. You can update the delivery method, delivery charge and location in the Header Detail tab. *There are two delivery charge fields, the option that states '(Included in Total Cost)' refers to the cost to yourself.

4. To navigate between multiple order lines you can use the navigation buttons.

5. After making all required changes click the save and close button to return to the sales order look up.

Task 2

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Task 3

Go into SOP > Orders and into your outstanding Sales order

Add your line onto the Sales Order

Go into the Line tab and then into the Delivery Details tab

There is a tick box called 'Call Off Order'. Once this is ticked. this order is now marked as a call off order

When you authorize the order, in the delivery details tab, there is now a box called Call Off Qty

You can enter the quantity that the customer wants to call off and click the Call Off button.

This releases the quantity and will either allocate the stock if you have the stock or put the line into requirements

To invoice the customer, there are 2 methods.

1) You can invoice as the customer calls off the quantity

2) You can invoice upfront for the full quantity by ticking the Invoice on Authorization tick box in the Header Detail tab

If you create a new sales order for the customer and try to add the call off item, it will prompt you when you add the item that it is on call off.

There is a button above the item code box called Call off Available 

This will open a pop up box and you can then call off some of the existing quantity on the existing order.

You can then archive the order you have just created if it is no longer needed. 

Task 3

To enable back to back ordering you will need to enter the Prima Administration application

1. Go to System Keys, then click on Sales System Keys.

2. Double click on the Back to Back line. Set up for ‘Y’ enable for ALL orders meaning Direct, PWL and Standard, ‘D’ for Direct Deliveries and ‘N’ for Not Enabled.

3. Change to the relevant setting.

4. Save and Close

5. When you now Authorize an order, the back to back ordering will pop up depending on what has been set in the Administration i.e. will default to the preferred supplier; this can be changed if required by selecting an alternative supplier. To do this, select the alternative supplier and then un-tick the original supplier.

6. If all the suppliers are un-ticked then all the items will move to the bottom of the screen. Double clicking this line will move it back to the top.

7. If there is only one supplier in the supplier tab against the stock code then it will show that particular supplier in the SuppAccCode Column.

8. If there is no stock code against this item, it will show in the bottom part of the screen The following items will be placed in Requirements. This can not be placed on a back to back as there will be no supplier against this item due to it not having a stock code at this point.

9. Back to back require a Customer Reference so if no customer reference is entered on the sales order then it must be added at this point. If not then a message will pop up to advise that this has to be entered.

10. Once the Authorize & Back to Back Purchase has been clicked then a purchase order will automatically be created and sent straight away via the EDI on the next EDI run.

11. The order can be changed to a Standard order simply by clicking Std Authorization. All the lines will go to the Requirements list. To cancel at any point click Cancel and the order will be returned still in an outstanding status.

12. If the sales order has a mixture of lines with different delivery methods and the Administration is set to Direct orders only then the order will authorise as a standard delivery.

Task 4

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Task 5

  • Below is a list of scenarios when deleting an order line in Prima

Top Tip! Use the 'Delete' key on your keyboard as a shortcut or use the bin icon. 

The item is on the Requirements list under the status as Requested

  • Enter into the Sales Order, highlight the line that is to be deleted then click the bin icon to delete.

The item is Status Allocated on the Sales Order

Enter into the Sales Order and double-click the Line you want to delete.

Click on the Deallocate button on the right hand side of the sales order line detail.

Click the bin icon to delete the line from the sales order.

The item is on an Outstanding Purchase Order

Enter into the Purchase Order, double click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab and click the bin icon to delete.

Enter into the Sales Order, highlight the line that is to be deleted and click the bin icon.

The item is on a Purchased Purchase Order and is on an Outstanding / Stocked on Pre-Book Receipt Note

Enter into the Purchase Order, double click the line to be deleted, click on the Links button, and double click the Receipt Note link. (If you are not already in the Receipt Note)

Enter into the Receipt note, highlight the line to be deleted and click the bin icon to delete.

Close the receipt note.

From within the Purchase Order, double click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab and click Delete. This is required twice - see Note below for reasoning.

Enter into the Sales Order, double click the line that is to be deleted and click the bin icon to Delete.

Note: Once the Purchase Order has been moved to the status of awaiting Receipt then there are two deletions for the item to be removed.  The first delete will remove the sales requisition from the purchase and place the item back into the Requirements list, in the purchase order the sales requisition will be replaced with a stock requisition.  This stock requirement can either be left on the purchase order and receipted in when the supplier sends the goods or the stock requirement can be deleted.  If deleted then the supplier needs to be contacted to cancel the original order initially sent to them.  To delete the stock requirement double click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab and click Delete. 

The item is on a Completed Receipt Note

  • If the item is showing allocated in the sales order, go to the sales order line and click the Deallocate button


  • Enter into the Receipt note and highlight the Line to be deleted.
  • Click onto the Details button
  • Click into the Balances button
  • Double-click the line from Current Allocations and click Yes to de-allocate
  • Enter into the Sales Order, double click the line that is to be deleted, click on the Delivery Details tab and click Delete.

 The item is on an Outstanding Despatch Note

  • Enter into the Despatch note and double-click the Line to be deleted.
  • Click the bin icon to delete.
  • Enter into the Sales Order, double click the line that is to be deleted, click on the Delivery Details tab and click Delete.

 Reducing a quantity on an Outstanding Despatch Note

  • Enter into the Despatch note and highlight the Line to be edited.
  • Click onto the Lines tab
  • Reduce the quantity and tick the Return to Stock box if you want the stock to be de-allocated from the customer and returned back into stock.  If you require the stock to remain allocated to the customer do not tick the Return to Stock box.


The item is on a Completed Despatch Note

  • The item cannot be deleted off the Sales Order.  The item needs to be returned through the returns system for credit.

Note: see our Customer Returns section of the help site for further instructions.

The item is on a Completed/Posted Sales Invoice

  • The item cannot be deleted off the Sales Order as the customer has been invoiced.  If the invoice has been raised in error the items still need to be despatched but returned back through the return process so a credit is raised against the invoice for the customer.  Refer to the Returns section within the online help.

Task 6 

S.O.P. -> Imported Orders

Grid Set up

  1. Make sure the Status is set to Awaiting Dealer Authorization
  2. Click Search button or hit Enter/Return key to return results in the Grid
  3. Double click on a line to view the Imported Order
  4. Within the order, in the center of the screen you can update the Delivery Method from the drop down list.
  5. The Customer Reference and Customer Notes fields can be checked/amended here also.


Create Products

  1. Before you can progress the order, you must first create Products for items where a stock code does not exist.
  2. Any lines with a StockId of 0 (excluding line called Delivery) mean they are not Created as Products.
  3. Highlight the line(s) and click the Create Product button

Tip- If you are unable to create the stock for lines with a StockId of 0, please check for duplicate stock codes, further information can be found here.

Processing the Order

At the top right of the page you can now progress the imported order through Prima

Process Order - Creates and Authorizes the Sales Order in Prima, allocating lines where possible and moving the rest to your Requirements list for purchasing. Status of the Imported Order updates to Completed

Create Outstanding Sale Only - Generates an Outstanding Sales Order but does not Authorize, allowing you to open and modify as normal before doing so. Status of the Imported Order updates to Completed

Cancel Order - Does not process the Imported Order and marks the Status as Deleted by Dealer

Tip -once you have clicked Process Order or Create Outstanding Sale Only the will be a link at the bottom right to the Sales Order 

Task 7

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Task 8

1. Click on New Record at the top of the page the select Sales Quotation from the drop down list.

2. Type in the company name and click Search. Click on the correct company then Create

3. You will see the option to a Customer Reference and select a Cost Center, Customer Department and Order Source from the corresponding drop down lists.


1. Once you have populated the header, you will now add items to the quote;

2. Enter the item code or item description and click search, you can now amend the quantity.

Entering an item onto a sales order, if more than one pack size appears you can select the Individual Item to sell at split pack. The default pack size selected is the selected code pack size 

1. Once the information is correct, click the Save button at the top of the screen.

2. If you wish to enter the line details, double click on the item which will have appeared in the grid view list, this will take you to the Line Detail.


Here you will find:

Description, Notes & Information

  • Invoice description – this by default prints out on all relating forms (order acknowledgement, despatch note invoice etc). This can be customized to the individual line if required.
  • Buying Notes – entering text here will inform the buyer of any information relating to the product purchase. I.e. this should be used to refer to special pricing from a supplier with quote references etc. (auto selection can be generated within the Prima DBU)
  • Product Notes – this is additional information relating to the product. i.e. if the item is a toner the product notes will show the machines this products fits 

Source of Pricing

  • The system will calculate how it arrives at the price for the customer (see Customer Pricing Rules). All permutations are shown here.

 Adding/Updating a Contract Price from a Quote

  • Update the Unit Selling Price and tick the Add or Update price and press Save icon, then click the button ‘Add to Contract’.

 Delivery & Own Stock Quantity

In the ‘Delivery Detail’ tab you will find information on the own stock available.

 After making all required changes return to the summary. 

View/Change Delivery Location:

  •  Press Location button in the header to view the currently selected delivery location. The below popup shall appear.
  • To change the delivery location press the drop-down button and select the correct delivery address.
  • If the address you wish to use is not available see creating a location.

 Delivery Notes - Entering information into Notes field is displayed on relating despatch notes

Changing Quote Delivery Method:

Clicking on the Delivery Method drop down you can select.

  • Standard – Own stock can be allocated if required. The remainder purchased from supplier and delivered to you
  • Pick Wrap and Label – Own stock can be allocated if required. The remainder purchased from SP Richards and Essendant is delivered to you boxed with customers contact and delivery information labelled
  • Direct Delivery – Supplier performs delivery directly to the customer

 Changing Depot Note - Unless you are running multi site/stock this will always be set to Headquarters. · The depot loaded is the Default Depot selected within the Company Location tab

To change the depot, click into the Header Detail tab and select the correct Depot from the drop down list

Once you are ready to turn the quote into a sales order, simply click Confirm