Purchasing from Requirements

Pre purchase Checklist

Allocating Stock

Processing Purchase Orders

Deleting a line

Task 1

When you authorize a sales order and the status then changes to Requested, this means that your goods are waiting to be purchased in POP > Requirements.

In the Status drop-down at the top of this module, select Requested and click Search.

Highlight the lines that you wish to purchase from this grid, by either clicking if there is just one line or holding and dragging down the grid to highlight multiple at a time.

Once you have got the correct lines highlighted, click Purchase in the bottom left of the grid.

A new window will then open called Purchase Options.

In this window, you will see a Stock Check button, giving you the option to check that the vendor has a stock of these goods before purchasing.

You also have three checkboxes to choose from in this window, depending on how you want to purchase your goods.

Purchase by Van Route?  

Consolidate Direct Deliveries to Same Address 

Automatically Authorize EDI Orders - This check box determines whether you want the order to be sent to the vendor via EDI, if so check this box and click Purchase.

Once you have clicked Purchase, you will get a message Process Completed and you can now go into POP > Orders to find your Purchase Order(s) you have just created.

Task 2

1. Select from the drop-down P.O.P. (Purchase Order Processing) Click on Requirements icon

2. Search for lines with a Requested status (using the drop-down list)  Ensure the status is set to Requested before the search is run, otherwise the system will be searching for all items regardless of the status.  

3. Ensure all lines have a Stock Code Sort on the column header Stock Code Lines that do not have a stock code assigned have not been sold before and need a stock code allocating before the line can be purchased. To do this, double-click on the first line. This will open the Line Requirements screen. Press the Make Product button. The Product Creation popup shall appear, at which point you make any changes required prior to creating the code.

4. Once changes have been made press the Create Product button. This will jump you into the newly generated Stock Product. Check and verify the details. Press the Close icon, press the Next icon if further products need creating, otherwise press the Close icon back to the Requirements Lookup.

5. There must be a Supplier (vendor) set against all lines.

6. Is there a cheaper Supplier available? Sort on the Cheaper column And where Yes appears a cheaper Supplier is available  

7. Double click on the Grid line  

8. Alternative Suppliers are displayed at bottom of the screen. The Cost Pricing, Pack Size, Last Purchase date, and Cost info are available here. Double-click on the Supplier to be selected. Press the Close icon (please beware of already updated lines through the Notes instructions) 

9. The Sales Unit must match the Purchase Unit

10. Has a special price been agreed for any of the lines?

Note – where special purchase prices have been agreed – ensure the purchase order is manually transferred to the vendor as sending via EDI will overwrite the pricing.

Where Notes exist double click on the Grid Line, sort on the Notes column to check if any special pricing has been agreed already

If you need to, amend the Purchase Cost, press the Close icon. And repeat accordingly.


Task 3

If the stock has been receipted, after the sales order was authorized then the stock can be allocated to the order.

1. In Requirements, highlight the line to allocate

2. Click the button Allocate to process the full line quantity or Part Allocate to process a split quantity of the line


Allocating Future Stock

If you have created a separate Purchase Order for stock and want to allocate this stock before it has come in, you can use the Allocate from Future Stock button in Requirements.  

You can only Allocate from Future Stock if the status of the purchase order is purchased and the line on the order is for stock. Ensure when purchasing, pre-book and the auto receipt is not selected.  It will not allocate if the status of the purchase order is stocked on Pre-Book as this means a receipt note has been created already.

Task 4

  1. Select P.O.P. (Purchase Order Processing)
  2. Click on Orders icon
  3. On the Purchase Order Lookup select the Status Outstanding
  4. Press the Search icon or hit Enter/Return key.
  5. The lines returned to the grid will be the Outstanding Purchase Orders
  6. Double-click on the first Grid line
  7. This will open the Purchase Order

Optional – you can enter in any expected delivery charges. This is only displayed on printed Purchase Orders and will not be shown when the Purchase Invoice is received.

The system will allocate the default Delivery Code for EDI suppliers – this can be changed to suit the delivery type and time required

The field Our Reference is the Customers Reference from the Sales Order (Direct and WPL Deliveries only)

Press the Purchase button

The Purchase Options popup shall appear:

  • Direct Delivery popup information
  • PWL & Standard Delivery popup information
  • Date Required – Afternoon deliveries should have today’s date for PWL and Standard Deliveries
  • Purchase Electronically – Transmit the Purchase Order electronically
  • Standard Purchase – Phone, Fax, Email or telephone order
  • Auto Build Receipt Note – upon EDI Acknowledgement Completing or Standard Purchase used will automatically book the items expected that afternoon or next day into an Outstanding Receipt Note
  • Receipt as Pre-Book – Enables items link to a sales order to be added to Delivery notes prior to arrival.
  • Consolidate Receipt where possible – groups purchase order onto one receipt against the supplier and delivery type

Press the OK button.

Status of the Purchase Order will now be Purchased.

The EDI Status will be updated accordingly.

  • Unavailable – Non-EDI purchase Order
  • Pending – Waiting to be transmitted – Check the EDC Console is open and active 
  • In Progress – Transferring Order to the vendor
  • Awaiting Acknowledgement – Order transferred and checking every 30 seconds for an Acknowledgement
  • Completed – Acknowledgement received and processed. All lines will have their statuses and details updated - Pricing, Delivery dates

Note – Do you allow back orders with vendors? If not, the line not delivered the next day will be sent back to the Requirements list to be purchased from another vendor.

The Purchase Order totals will be updated – You can check this to avoid any major pricing differences.

Task 5

The item is on an Outstanding Purchase Order

Open the Purchase Order, double-click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab at the bottom, highlight the line in this tab and click the trash can icon at the top of the order.

The item is on a Purchased Purchase Order and is on an Outstanding Receipt Note

Open the Purchase Order, double-click the line to be deleted, click on the Links button, and double-click into the Receipt Note link.

In the Receipt note, highlight the line to be deleted and click the trash can icon at the top of the note.

**Alternatively, complete the receipt note with the quantity that you received, leaving the rest of the goods that are on back order in the receipt note avail. lines**

From within the Purchase Order, double-click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab at the bottom, highlight the line in this tab and click the trash can icon at the top of the order. If deleting the lines on back order, select this quantity from the extension tab and delete, as two extension lines will show here.

Note: Once the Purchase Order has been moved to the status of Awaiting Receipt then there are two deletions for the item to be removed.  The first delete will remove the sales requisition from the purchase and place the item back into the Requirements list, in the purchase order the sales requisition will be replaced with a stock requisition.  This stock requirement can either be left on the purchase order and receipted in when the supplier sends the goods or the stock requirement can be deleted.  If deleted, then the vendor needs to be contacted to cancel the original order initially sent to them.  To delete the stock requirement, double-click the line to be deleted, click on the Extension tab, and click Delete.