Once we have our bearing, the problem can be looked at in a linear perspective:
The general order flow is Sales Order > Purchase Order/Allocation, Receipts, Dispatch, Invoice.
Using our lines statuses and its associated links, we can determine where in the process the order is.
For example: If we need to delete a line on a Sales Order but it is on a Dispatch note, we'll need to delete it off of that note first before we can deallocate it. Find your bearing by going into the Sales Order, then look at the statuses of the line in question, as well as its links. From there, an order can be seen as a step-by-step process. You can then determine which step you are on and which one is next.
Some of the most common problems encountered with Prima can be resolved with the following troubleshooting steps:
Close unnecessary programs in the background. For example: Microsoft Excel and your Chrome browser are memory-eating machines and could overly tax your system, producing resource errors and lag.
Close the task you were working on and re-open it. Prima is a cloud-based software where users can make changes in real time across the entire database. Changes may have been made to the companies/locations/contacts of the document you are working in right now, and those changes may need to be pulled in by re-loading the document. For example: I could be working on a Sales Order for a customer but notice that their contact is out of date. If I change the Contact information in their company but leave the Sales Order open on the other screen, it could be displaying the old info. I may need to close out and re-open the SO to see me changes applied.
Clear your cache. Sometimes if you have been doing a lot of lookups or running reports, or if you haven't restarted Prima in a day or two the cache can be overloaded. Clearing this cache frees up resources so that you can proceed with what you were working on without having to close out of Prima and restart.
Reset your session. If you are experiencing an unexpected error, or the program is behaving irregularly, or if you repeatedly get a memory error, reset your session by completely closing your Prima client. When you log in again if the problem persists, perhaps your computer has been running without a break for too long. We typically put computers on Sleep mode when leaving the office for the night, but they need to be restarted every once in a while to allow the memory to clear. Try shutting down and restarting your machine as well.
Get a second perspective. Your coworkers are your best resource for finding quick answers. They have knowledge of both Prima and your company's day-to-day operating procedures. Each company is unique and develops its own shorthand, slang, and preferred problem-solving method. Maybe in a short exchange, you might determine that you had missed a step or that a bug was reported on that issue and a Prima representative has advised a workaround in the interim.
Explaining the problem to a coworker could very well spark an idea that answers your question. Programmers use this trick all the time. If you take a step back from the issue, and attempt to explain the problem you are stuck on to someone else, it forces your brain to re-evaluate the problem from an outside perspective as you try to think of what the person you're explaining the problem to needs to know.
Search it on FreshDesk: Chances are, someone has had the same problem you are experiencing before. Opening a session in Freshdesk will allow you to browse our catalogue of solutions, FAQs, tips, and release notes. There is an abundance of literature available to all Prima customers. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for, open a ticket or give us a call and we will be happy to point you in the right direction.