If you would like any of the following reports to auto print when they are created, you can set up the Print Agent Service and job to do this:

- Sales Orders

- Despatch Notes

- Sales Invoices

- Sales Credits

To set up the auto printing of these reports:

1. Open up the Prima icon and select 'Prima Agent' from the dropdown

2. Click New Service and give it a name, depot and type - note you can print several reports in each service but you will need to set up a new service for each depot, eg HQ or Depot 2

3. Click Save then Close

4. Click New Job and select the report and printer for this job and 'Save Job'

5. Once added all jobs, click 'Start Service'

These reports will automatically print to your selected printer when they are created or if the print status changes back to 'N', eg for when you have the system key set to add new lines to existing despatch notes

Coming soon: you will soon be able to add scheduled times for reports to print, eg end of day packing slips and invoices