
  • New Company Creation: previously, only the invoice report was available in defaults. This has been updated to include Sales order, Sales Quote, Invoice Credit, and Dispatch Note report defaults.
  • Locations/Address control: allow addresses to be updated or created from the location/address control then selected without moving to the location screen. As a default, new locations/addresses will be set to 'one-time' user (user can update to active). The location form has a new field active, one-off, archived. Addresses can not be found except in location lookup if archived or one-off, except in the sales order/quote form where one-off will be displayed on the quote/order used.



  • Sales Orders: new item entry screen has been updated so that ‘sell price’, ‘cost price’, and ‘vendor’ can be selected without having to jump to the line. The vendor record will also show, ‘cost price’, ‘vendor stock’, ‘lead time’. Note if vendor not loaded and more than 1 unit - this means the default unit select is split! If no vendor and one unit in the grid - then the product does not have a vendor.
  • Sales Orders: summary tab updated to include new 'selectable' fields (Delivery type, contact, delivery charges, on hold) so that the dealers/user does not have to 'normally' go to the header tab when updating or entering new sales orders. Van route has also been added so the default does not have to be changed for one-off route changes.
  • Logicblock integration. When a customer has a Logicblock integration set up - cloud service code and key. The sales order will update the sales order in Logicblock when it reaches 'invoiced status'. Lines will be updated on quantity, code and will be deleted if do not exist.
  • Van Route is now available on the sales order summary tab. This will be loaded with the default van route but can be changed on the sales order. The sale order van route will then be reflected on the requirements line and the PO and dispatch note.



  • Requirements pop-up: Dealers can now select a vendor and the cost price will load (even if multiple same vendor accounts) - this stopped a new vendor being set that did not exist. This is now allowed both on a pop-up and from requirements lookup as previously.
  • Requirements: A new column is available in requirements showing the selling price if applicable - else 0.00 if a stock requisition etc. The selling price has also been added to the requirements pop-up. This is to help the purchaser make a decision when changing vendors.
  • Purchase Orders: Integration with Essendant and SPR to provide an update of EDI connection details 'before' the purchase order is electronically completed. This will override - the EDI default settings for that order and use the ones selected in the popup.
  • Purchase Orders: templated items (items with the same product code on a PO are now differentiated by using PO line number. There was an issue with random lines with the same code being updated when using templated items and changing quantities.
  • EDI integration for Medline with Yuletide Office - providing purchase orders and acknowledgments plus stock and terms.



  • Manifest Lookup: Dispatch number - updated to 'Dispatch/Return Number' and the 'area' e.g. dispatch/return has been added to the filter.
  • Receipts: 2 new options have been added to receipts 'available lines'. 1. lines can be added to a note as pre-book - this allows items that the wholesaler says are coming in (expected date) or the dealer believes is coming in - so that dispatch notes can be built in advance ready for picking (e.g. with the standard end of day build of dispatch notes). Receipt notes can now be built and completed in one action using the new option. The old option of build notes is still available but renamed 'Create Outstanding Notes'.
  • Spreadsheet Report Backorders: 3 new columns added Nominal, Classification, and Group. New filters for Company, Classification, Vendor, and Account Manager.
  • Completing dispatch notes - for prebook lines, the linked receipt note line will be updated to completed i.e. users will no longer get a pop-up message that the receipt note must be completed first. Note: a further EDC job will then complete the receipt notes at header level when 'all' the receipt note lines are completed. This will run every 10 minutes in EDC.
  • Reports: Dispatch note report. PO number field now available
  • Tracking information and email to the customer (contact on the sales order for the item being tracked). Prima now provides tracking information for multiple parcels updated from ASN's from Essendant and SPR. The tracking information for drop ship orders is passed to the Prima tracking information table. This is selected currently on the dispatch note (the control will soon be added to sales orders) to show the tracking number(s) for that dispatch/sales order with a grid of information i.e. date, tracking number, delivery company, notes. This information will be provided automatically in an email to the contact who places the order with tracking numbers per parcel (at line level when available) - this will be emailed hourly soon after received from the wholesaler.
    1. Now enhanced to allow manual tracking numbers to be added and automatically emailed to customers when available. ASN from Essendand and SPR also have automated tracking from the previous phase.
  • Manifest Maps: the color on the waypoint now changes from Red to Green when the item is signed for and the dispatch completed 'on the POD' mobile device.
  • Dispatch note with prices: the dispatch note can now have prices included as per sales order. The first dispatch note will include any delivery charges and the total including tax is available (note this is not the invoice - but a way of collecting checks for drivers).



  • Templated Products: cost price management. Although templated products will normally be a standard limited product, there is no facility to 'allocate' stock to a particular stock item. Therefore, we will always overwrite the batch price (if there happens to be some stock - usually accidentally created by return). This means that templated items will always have a specific cost and sell price for every item created in sales order or EPOS.
  • When adding a new vendor record, the default unit will default for that product.
  • Competitor codes now have an extra field - vendor price. Duplicate codes will no longer be allowed and there will be a default list of vendors that can supply competitor selling prices as a service. Competitor codes are stored at PG Number level so that imported competitor pricing will be available on all products where the service exists. Administration allows the vendors that are required to be ticked - then these ticked vendors selling prices will be imported by the EDC regularly.
  • Shared stock: Phase 2 
    1. Added shared stock status to the alternatives grid on sales order and quote.
    2. Added the total of the stock to include the balances as per the shared alternatives, and shows a total of all shared available quantities plus the product itself in the delivery line tab.
    3. Product lookup - added filter to show products that 'have' at least 1 shared stock alternative.
    4. The product record alternatives grid now shows pack per and message 'shared stock will be transferred in pack per ratio'.


  • Mailer grid manager: added feature to enable the user to set discount from List price and include 'subject to a minimum margin. e.g. decrease 30% from List subject to 15.5% minimum margin.
  • Mailer grid manager: added a feature to show M as well as S (margin) items in the grid - so lines can be selected. Add option to 'change' from S to M and vice versa - and maintain price/margin. Grid manager also now shows calc sell price and calc margin were appropriate.


Invoicing & Payments

  • Credit card payments could only be taken on the sales order before an invoice has been produced from that sales order. Now the CC payment can be taken directly on the invoice.
  • Sales Invoice Creation: when creating sales invoices from multiple depots - duplication was occurring. Only one invoice is created now for each depot even when merged is selected. i.e. merged across depots is therefore not an available profile currently.
  • Credit Cards - Preauthorized: Preauthorized payments can now be taken after the typical expiration of 7 days by trying a 'forced payment'. This now automatically refreshes the screen to show immediately success Y or failure F in the dropdown (before a 'refresh' was required to see this or screen would stay as preauthorized.
  • Paid Status on Sales Invoices: Prima now check 15 mins before the current check for balances - so that it does not miss any payment postings happening during an EDC cycle. Paid, Outstanding, Part Paid, Not Set.



  • New Tax Report called ‘Sales Invoices and Credits with Tax Region Summary’ has been added to show tax summary by region and breakdown by combined, state, city, county at invoice total level.



  • Credit Card Payments: Improvements to take CC payments in back end till and also directly from the invoice for PAYA currently. Cash sales in till will automatically prompt for credit card and this can now be populated from magnetic strip reader - (from anywhere) to reduce manual entry.
  • 3rd Party Integrations: API ‘getprice’ and ‘get multiple price’ functions now have company code as an optional field in the EDI if supplied the results are more accurate as the email address could exist on more than one company.
  • Customer EDI: 2 new fields have been added to the company record/customer EDI tab. You can now add to the database the Transformation Type and Transformation Path. Relevant to all imports that use Transformation to Prima XML import standard e.g. LOGICBLOCK   C:\PrimaV6\LogicBlock
  • New CRM contact export: Phase 1 - HubSpot CRM contact export has been added. This is now a new system that can be linked and contacts updated automatically.