1. Create commission bands with a default percentage (e.g. band A with value 10 or 10% Band with value 10). Only bands needs setting up in Admin>General>Commission Bands. Margin commission types can be set directly set on the company.
2. Set user commission rates - against each user in Admin>users, either leave the default 100% with a percentage min and max on profit e.g. 100% (5, 100) and set the margin rates minimum and maximum rates. A sales person could be paid based on fixed band for one company or get a Margin commission rate for another company.
3. Set Nominal commission rate (if required) - allows the commission to be varied for different nominal e.g., 50% on furniture for that company (in Admin>General>Nominals -default 100% for each nominal). This will allow commission to be reduced or not paid on some product types e.g. some dealers may pay no commission on freight.
4. Assign the commission band against a company and/or individual locations i.e. every company can have a commission band or none. Only enter a commission rate in an individual location if you want commission to be paid differently for invoices dispatched to this location.
5. Sales invoices and sales credits will show commission paid/repaid. This can be set using the filters and ‘set commission’ on selected lines features in the sales invoice and credits lookup. (Only users with permission to pay commission can do this and those users can also individually update a sales invoice or credit to Commission paid or repaid.)
6. A commission spreadsheet report is available that will show commissions due or to be repaid. Criteria by sales person or depot and invoice/credit date and commission paid are available. When the values are correct the lookups can be saved to set the next month’s commissions (or any time period).
Example of FIXED PERCENTAGE Commission Band
Eg, if all sales reps get 25% on all product sales based on net profit but get 20% off furniture then:
1. Set up commission band in admin>general>commission bands called 'FIXED 25%' with 25% in percentage
2. Set user band max to 100% if get full fixed % of this band
3. Set all nominals to 100% except furniture
3a. Set furniture nominal to 80% (ie 80% of 25% = 20%)
4. Assign FIXED 25% band to all customers in company grid manager
5. Verify % show correctly and column for commission band is correct for each customer
6. Run commission report
Example of MARGIN Commission Band
Eg, if all sales reps get 25% on all product sales based on net profit but some customers are set to margin
1. Do not need to set up a commission band in admin>general>commission bands
2. Set user margin max to the margin % that this user will receive on all margin customers' net profit
3. Set all nominals to 100%
4. Assign margin in the commission band drop down under each customer tab (or en masse in company grid manager)
5. Verify % show correctly and column for commission band is correct for each customer
6. Run commission report