
Improvements to import GIZA2020 files: when a new template product is created from the Giza2020 furniture import. The new items will be created with the classification set up in administration.


Dealer Group Catalogs: As default, the MANU field will be used for creating product codes from dealer group catalogs. In the next customers’ release, we will add a new option for users to 'choose' to use the catalog code instead when creating the product. If buying directly from the manufacturer or recommended wholesaler, the MANU field will be required. If buying via the dealer group, the catalog code will be used to create the supplier record when a product is created.

Auto Purchase: a new system key to stop automation of purchase order lines when buying notes exist in the sales order line has been added. Currently, all lines are stopped from auto-purchasing when buying notes exist on the sales order. When the new system is set to N (default is Y) this will allow only the lines with buying notes to be stopped from auto-purchasing in requirements (default auto-purchase set to N instead of S on the lines with buying notes). Any line that is in stock and of delivery type STD or PWL will always be allocated.

Purchase Order Improvement: the notes field on the header of the purchase order has been increased from 500 to 1000 characters and all corresponding links and reports updated to also allow 1000 characters.


Tracking Information: tracking status, a fixed list that can be updated, and tracking notes, free format text, can now be added to the dispatch note either in the header (not attached to a product code/dispatch line) or in the dispatch line. Existing tracking numbers are created from EDI shipping notes or manifest for electronic drop ship orders, or manually created for purchase orders that are not electronic, or where the vendor does not provide a tracking service. These two additional fields that give extra information about the status of the parcel/delivery can also be imported from a 3rd party system e.g. AfterShip. To import this information for existing tracking numbers a CSV file is created with header fields: TrackingNumber, TrackingStatus, TrackingNotes – on importing the file, when a tracking number is matched the tracking status (fixed list) and tracking notes provided in the file will update the dispatch notes and existing tracking number with that information.

Note: an API will later be added to get this information in real-time based on a schedule set up in administration.


Commission report improvements: The commission report now shows the commission bands and the rates of the band e.g. 10% or if margin M has been selected for that company. These bands can be set at a  company or address level. This allows the dealer to see how the commission calculation was made and what band/margin was used, to arrive at the total commission on each invoice line.


Report Design Improvements: 

  1. The Location reference has been added to dispatch and sales invoice reports.
  2. The product technical description was added to the quote and sales reports.
  3. The invoice description has been added to sales invoices lines and sales invoices & credits with tax reports.
  4. The formatted shipping address has been added to the sales quote report.
  5. The sales quote report now creates the list price for items that have not yet been created as products. Previously list price was missing on catalog-only items.
  6. The invoice lines spreadsheet report has been updated so that the tax calculation is now rounded to 2 decimal places.



Multi Financials improvements: The company balance details, available on the customer tab in the company record, have been updated so that balances are now shown for all financial systems – not just the default one.

Creating a new address in the shopping cart: when a new address is created in the shopping cart either in the administration or in the check out (when the user has permission to create new addresses), the location name on the new address created will default to 'CHECK ADDRESS DETAILS'. Any new sale being created from the web store will automatically be stopped from authorizing until the ‘location name’ has been changed from ‘CHECK ADDRESS DETAILS’. This makes sure that an order can’t accidentally be sent to the vendor for purchase without the address being checked, so that required changes in address e.g. tax, route, can be made.

Credit Card Details: Credit card details can now be saved in the back office in the web details tab for contacts. These will then be available when making a payment in the sales order. If that user is selected as the contact on the sales order, the saved credit card details will default to be used in that sales order, although this can be changed and another company card or user selected.

The location reference field on addresses has been updated from 20 to 100 characters.


When creating an account order for trade customers the tax rate now updates on all lines when the location is changed, for example, a location is selected with an exempt tax rate when the previous location was a standard tax, then all lines on the till order will be updated to the exempt tax rate.

Products & Pricing

Products Main Grid Manager: A new feature has been added to the product grid manager to show keywords in the grid and to add or remove keywords from the product. When keywords are added, they will be appended to the end of existing keywords after a space. When removed – if a match is found -that string of characters will be removed from the keywords selected.

Stock Checks and Term Files: the check for stock and terms files have been moved to only check for terms after 2 hours from the last successful import of terms files, starting at 7 am each morning.

Competitor Pricing Imports: Schedules can now be set up for competitor pricing on the mailer. A new field allows the URL of the dealers’ competitor pricing mailer to be created. Once a mailer is set up to look for a competitor price, the schedule will check each day for a new price list file (out of hours) and the new prices from the file will be imported if the new file date is later than the current date.