We currently link with Paya, Authorize.net and Fattmerchant payment providers. Please provide CustomerCare with the following information (you may need to put in a request with your Payment Gateway provider to get these) and they will help you set this up.

PAYA Setup (also known as Net1 or SagePay) 

Merchant ID (12 numbers):

Merchant Key (12 alphanumeric):

Please note: if you have never had American Express ‘Enabled’ please go to the PAYA website and download and fill in the American Express application so these cards can be used on your Prima webstore and call Paya Support to ask for it to be enabled 

Fattmerchant Setup 

API Key:


Please note, you must have a webtoken enabled on your virtual terminal to get these (ask Fattmerchant to enable if not available)

Authorize.net Setup 

API Login ID (12 alphanumeric)

Transaction Key (16 alphanumeric)

Public Client Key (very long alpahnumeric) 


Setting up card payments on the web

Please log into your control panel and enter the above details in System>Payment Methods (test is always 0 and needs to be active). If you are using Paya (Sage Pay) please request additional setup from CustomerCare)

Setting up card payments on the back office

Login to Admin>General>Cloud Services

Add your Payment Type and enter your credentials. If it is SagePay, please enter the Client