You can now create a new, "one-off" address for a Sales Order or Quote to be delivered to. This is a particularly useful feature for your customers who are temporarily working from home away from their usual office address. The addresses will exist against the Sales Order/Quote only and won't be saved against the company record. If the address is being used multiple times, you can change the address from a "one-off" to an "active" address which will then save against the company for invoicing or repeat orders.

To set up a "one off" address:

Click the location button in the Sales Order/Quote

Then click the "Create New Address" button on the left side of the screen as below:

When you've entered the relevant details, click Save/Select at the bottom of the order and the address will be saved against that order only.

If you wish to use the same address again, untick the option in the bottom right of the screen labelled "Is Single Use Address". Unticking this option and saving the location will save the location against the company for future use if more orders will be placed to that address by the customers, or if the address is required for invoicing purposes.