Release Notes 2021.22 – 2021.38
- SPR pickup of monthly best price files for all accounts are now available from SPR FTP location and then imported automatically. These files are usually made available once per month.
- Buying Notes: new system key has been added so that buying notes will 'only' stop the line from auto purchasing if the system key is not set to 'all lines stopped' (drop ship will always stop all lines). For STD and PWL the key gives the option of stopping all the lines from auto purchasing or just the lines with notes in.
- Competitor Pricing
- The customer 411 portal URL can now be set in the administration as a default. When set, only the Mailer Code needs to be set in the competitor code field. The URL will still connect when set directly in this Mailer header field.
- The auto-scheduling form in administration has been updated allowing the scheduled pickup of competitor files to be set.
- Credit Cards: the PAYA CC form in sales orders and invoices has been updated to use the PAYA form directly so it is more secure and can also be used for American Express format cards.
- Credit Cards: new payment gateway AUTHORIZE.NET has been added to allow CC's to be saved and charged from the sales order, sales invoice or tokenized on the contact. Multiple cards can now be added/deleted on the contact and saved / visible in the SO/Invoice popup.
- Discount Vouchers: a fixed discount when over 100 can now be set (previously limited to a maximum 99)
- Lookups (NEW Quick Search): introduced new default criteria for all lookups. Added as a new control - most lookups '6 months', in product lookup uses 'In stock' as default. Clicking on this filter control will remove the default. Also, clicking away to any other control will immediately reapply the default. When typing in some fields e.g. sales order number, sales order reference, invoice number, etc. the control will be automatically unset so that the lookup is not restricted (otherwise the customer might not find the item when searching and constantly have to click to 'unset' the QS filter).
- Commission Bands can now be managed from the customer grid manager.
- Commission Bands can now be managed from the locations grid manager - if a commission band is set on an address then this will 'override' the customer commission band.
- Company balances can now be collected by Credit Card in back office balance details in the company tab. Payments can be collected in this release, but the next release will provide electronic posting of the 'payments' to QuickBooks.
- Send Tracking Email: new option in contacts to send tracking emails. This is in the first contact tab and will allow tracking emails to be set to N (default is Y).
- Authorization: a new 'Min. Order Value for Approval' has been added. This will allow pending orders and split pending orders to go through without authorizing - provided they are below the min order value for approval.
- Credit Cards on Contacts (PAYA/SagepayUS): you can now add multiple cards, see existing saved cards (even if saved via the online store), add new and delete existing cards on the contact record.
- Credit Cards: when deleting saved credit cards against a contact - it will now remove it from the payment provider not just the list in Prima.
- Contacts: new payment type 'Credit Card and Accounts has been added to this release so users can choose whether to pay on a card or account at checkout
- Company Grid Manager: ‘Email and Letter’ is now an available option in the grid manager. This will email and print in the invoice batch process.
- Address Control: Removed HQ from the address search button and locations in alphabetical order. Contact Names are also now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Sales Orders and Sales Quotes: summary tab lines entry: add cost center and delivery type/delivery route to the first screen on the sales order so you don’t have to add & jump. Note: this should auto-load the correct shipping type(route) i.e. link to the supplier route.
- Sales Orders Lines Lookup: the classification now shows the classification set on the sales order line NOT the product default classification.
- Sales Orders: cost information in a grid and also in line next to select supplier. The shared stock now displays as (BKS)** (S)** note: BKS means larger shared stock pack per is available i.e. can be purchase in larger packs to reduce cost.
- Sales Orders and Quotes: Contacts now have a button to allow the contact to be opened in 1 click - amended or new contact created. Save and close will update amended contact - new contact will need selecting on the order form if required.
- Sales Quotes: 5 fields have been added to the ‘supplier cost prices’ tab within the line to match the sales order ‘supplier cost prices’ tab - and show all account pricing.
- Sales Orders and Sales Quotes: when changing the tax rate or any address change - this will be updated to all lines for 'exempt' and 'product default' when the 'order/quote header is saved. This will not be applied on standard save on header i.e. users can make individual changes on lines to the tax rate. HOWEVER, if the user makes a change to address or tax rate on the location pop up, it will reset to that address default.
- Sales orders when authorized using automation now use the system key to partially allocate stock (previously only allocated when all available and ignored the system key).
- Refresh for payment information on the sales order. Now works for multi-financial systems when integrated.
- Buying Notes: the buying notes field on the sales order has been increased to 350 characters. The notes field in requirements is 500 characters but the text can automatically get added to the buyer notes so we have limited to this length.
- Address Control: Removed HQ from the address search button and locations in alphabetical order. Contact Names are also now displayed in alphabetical order.
- Improved Item Search
- Removed popup option to use two words
- Column to show if an item is on contract in the results grid.
- Column to show if an item in 12 months history
- Now searches three characters on codes, five characters on descriptions and message to show 3, 5 characters required
- Removed pricing calculation if results below 100 items
- Shows vendor for the price displayed in top 100
Imported orders
- Imports from Order pads: scheduled and instant orders created from order pads now have 'Orderpad' as the source of order - automatically added when the order is created.
- Giza 2020 Imports: the vendor will now be selected if the usually 3 letter vendor code matches against that vendor e.g. Hon Inc. may have a three-letter vendor code HNN
- Giza 2020 Imports: the product code is now updated with the correct classification e.g. furniture and attributes by default of Giza2020 and Brand N/S - on the created templated item. This means when items are purchased later they are posted to the correct financial account.
- Giza2020 Imports: updated so that if a vendor reference is added, this will enable the vendor to be set in the sales order line - even if not purchased from that vendor before (it will be created).
- PrimaXML Imports: now has location code and location description - these will be used IF a match is found and not moved to the other address options currently based on zip code match and the first line of an address. This will still be used if no match found.
- PrimaXML Imports: external orders will now match to product and if the price is not available in the import OR the price is 0.00 - the Prima price will be used.
Orderpads/Favorite Lists
- In the back office, the order pads now have a column to show discontinued items - to be in line with contracts - this allows them to be easily deleted or replaced with current items.
- EDI: Arlington is now an available EDI vendor with invoice pickup
- Buy More: a filter has been added to the Purchase Order on the 'Buy More' POPUP:
- Default filter - shows requirements for this supplier only - as previously.
- Dropdown 1 - requirements available for this vendor set to another vendor.
- Dropdown 2 - when no catalog is available to the current PO supplier show all requirements - so any item can be added e.g. Amazon PO - can add any items to the PO.
- SPR and Essendant stock checks are fixed to refresh the priority DC's, then show total stock for all priority DC's. When a live stock check is done, previous levels are refreshed. In the purchasing popup, the SPR and Essendant stock levels have been updated to show the total of the priority DC's (previously just single DC). This helps on purchasing as it will show the total available to the dealer (for split purchases from more than 1 DC).
- The Supplier EDI list has had Pre-book added to the available list. The pre-book checkbox option works only when there is an EDI code set in this list (or is set against an existing supplier).
- Purchase Orders: when a user creates a NEW purchase order, the default depot on the pop-up creates a PO form, which will now be the same as the default depot for that user.
- Shared Stock: improvements to visibility in requirements list and the requirements popup alternatives. 1. show (S)** when shared alternatives. 2. show (BKS)** when a bigger shared pack alternative is available. 3. Add pack-per to the requirements popup. 4. Add pack-per to the alternatives tab in the popup. 5. Add shared stock Y to alternatives in the requirements popup. (Useful feature if you split products and sell in small units or vice versa)
- POD APP: an internet connection is no longer required when completing a job or collecting a signature / getting a picture.
- PO's with multiple extensions and different delivery dates now correctly update the receipts and sales order line statuses. This stops the receipt notes from being marked as invoiced before all lines have been receipt in.
- ASN's: ASN's now update the notes on the receipt but no longer updates the quantity, as it is usually on a printed dispatch/picking note and was confusing.
- Auto-emailing invoices: when auto sending invoices by email - on the creation of the email, the print status is now set to Printed Y (so the dealer knows it's been printed to pdf/sent to a customer and doesn’t show in batch process button).
- Sales Invoices: the lookup and the available lines - now uses the sales order dispatch information to get the status of dispatched for the lookup and available lines. Performance improvements by using the SO status and not calculated.
- Financial System: Quickbooks Online now jumps to the interactive authentication menu when a token is missing and signing to QB's will create a connection token.
- Invoice Lines Report: updated tax calculation to 2 decimal places.
- Label Printing Report: updated to add sales contact name, sales order number, customer reference and location name in full.
- Sales Invoice Report: Location code added as 'available field' in the header so it can be optionally added in the report designer.
- Commission Report:
- Business Group added, updated to show negative margin
- Nominal and commission rate added - to allow easy checking of commission figures e.g. if some lines get zero commission for that nominal e.g. freight.
- New criteria field added to select use actual cost or landed cost.
- Sales Orders Not Invoiced (Summary) Report: Updated the Profit field to show the cumulative total of the lines, as opposed to the current header profit total.
- Sales Orders reports - the location code is now an available field in the active report designer.
- Active Report: ‘Sales Invoice/Credit Details’ the following fields are now available to add in the report designer. SO number, SO creation date, Cost Centre (for individual invoice lines).
- Sales Tax with Summary Report: the combined total has been updated/corrected (divide by 100) and the city/state labels updated.
- Invoice Reports: all invoice reports have been updated to show the 'templated description' on the sales invoice - used to be an incorrect product description which does not change for templated items.
- Sales Quote Report: the bill to address and location code are now available fields - that can be added to the report.
- Consolidated Sales Invoice reports: PaidStatus, PaymentStatus, PaymentTotal are now available fields (not defaults on the report)
- Sales Credit Report: lines with multiple batches were duplicating on the report - this has been consolidated.
- New Voucher/Coupon report to list vouchers/coupons and settings for each voucher/coupon available.
- Invoice & Credit Details Report: 3 extra fields added: OrderId, Order Date, Order Reference and Grand Total
- Customer Business Review Report: updated to include child companies where the parent is the child company (so the invoice is created against the parent). Now includes invoice values for the child company.
- Products Main Grid Manager: Keywords search and update/remove have been added as a grid manager feature. You can also see the keywords in the grid. The keywords field has been extended to 1000 characters.
- Stock product weighting on web. This is now available in the product main grid manager and will allow product web weightings (0-9 highest) to be found, updated, or removed.
- New Product: when creating a new product it gets created in the correct depot, Tax description is updated.
- Fluctuating on Actual Cost: pricing method in products has been updated so that the preferred supplier price is used on terms import WHEN available balance is zero stock. When in stock uses stock batch average as now. This stops product prices going stale/not changing for long periods when out of stock.
- SPR catalog import has now been automated to pick up from the central SFTP when provided by SPR.
- Catalogs Lookup: Supplier EDI information now shows regional vendors only in the list which is also sorted alphabetically. Company names are updated to be more accurate.
- Manufacturer serial and own serial now show in contract line lookup grid. (FSM>Support contracts> line tab)
- Be able to set a Payment frequency on a contract for 3yr & 5yr
- Imports: support contract import fixed to set 'own serial number' and 'contract response' to 4 hours if no match found, contract start and end dates will be used to set start date in the past (for accurate history).