To Install on a new machine:

Step 1: Download the installer

1. Click on the Install Now button located on this page:

2. You may be warned about a harmful file depending on your security settings (this is often at the bottom of your browser), please click Keep.

Step 2: Install Prima

1. Locate and double click the downloaded PrimaCloud.application installer file.
Most browsers make this available at the bottom, otherwise check the “Downloads” folder.

2. Follow the installation wizard, selecting install and run. On completion Prima will ask for registration keys.

Step 3: Insert Registration Details

1. Copy your Installation Keys into the available fields - if you do not have access to these, please contact our Customer Care team who will be happy to assist you

2. Upon completion, please close the Prima login screen.

Step 4: Permissions

1. Navigate to the PrimaV6 folder. This is found under This PC > C: drive

2. Highlight the PrimaV6 file, then right click it and click Properties

3. Click the Security tab, and ensure your user has full permissions against the file by clicking Edit, then ticking the option for Full Control

4. Then click the Add button, and add in the user Everyone, giving this user full access too.

5. Then click Apply and then Okay

6. Click Advanced and enable inheritance for the PrimaV6 folder

7. Apply and exit

Please note: Your PC user needs to be an Administrator or have Administrative privileges to perform the above routine. If your user does not have this, you will need to contact your IT team to ensure your user is set up for this.

Step 4: Log in

1. You now have a Prima Cloud shortcut on your desktop to access Prima. When you first access, Prima may ask you to click the option of run.

2 You will be greeted with the below logon screen. Log in with your user name and password (if applicable). On the  first login, you may be prompted to update to the latest version.