Prima’s Price Break module allows you set tiered pricing for products based on quantity purchased.
Adding and editing price breaks
In the Price Break module on the left of Prima, search for the code(s) you wish to add/edit a price break for. Use the green colored bar to apply any filters to your search criteria
Once you have selected a product, click on the 'No. Of' dropdown list to choose the number of ranges you want to apply to the price break on the product, up to a maximum of 5 ranges.
Then on the right hand side you define the 'Quantities from' and 'Selling price' of for each range.
In our example here Kf3419 will have from a quantity of 1-9 a selling price of 63.27, and from a quantity from 10-14 a selling price of 54.00.
When you are happy with the setup, you can tick the Is Enabled? box and save. Your price break is now live.
In the lookup filter there’s lots of options to filter your search and also find the current price break products you have and if they are enabled or not.
Export and Import
To manage a list of products with price breaks, there’s a simple Export in the lookup. Click on the button to generate an Excel file. Save the file to a location on your machine.
Open the file and make the necessary changes to the range and/or pricing and save.
Then use the Import function to find the amended file and on the Import option you have the choice to Edit or Replace current breaks in Prima.
When you click Ok and refresh the Price Breaks page the new pricing and range details will be updated.
Price Break Grid Manager
There is a grid manager facility to quickly update multiple records if required.
Users can change the Number of Ranges, Enable/Disable the price breaks, and remove the breaks against the products.