Additional Pricing Rules - to be used in conjunction with Price Structure article
Note: these pricing options are no longer commonly used for the following reasons:
- Customer PACTs (best price files for specific customers) from Essendant and SPR do not contain sell prices (but you can manually add if you wish)
- Pricing Bands in Prima replaced Customer Matrix Bands (and default pricing band) for most of our users, as Pricing Bands can be linked to the latest catalogs, whereas customer matrix bands can only be applied against stock products.
- The new Price Breaks module replaced the Pricing Band Quantity Ranges in Admin (which only worked on % discounts/markups)
Additional rules to be considered at point 5 on the main price structure:
5.1. Customers PACT Contract
If the item exists against a Customers PACT Contract (agreement between you and your vendor for specific customers - this is usually only used for costs but you can add a sell price against items) then that Selling Price is used. Customer PACTs are entered in the company>contract>PACT tab
5.2. Customers Ultimate Parent PACT Contract
As before if the item doesn't exist in the Customer PACT but exists against the Customer Ultimate Parent PACT Contract then that price is used.
5.3. Customers Standard Matrix Bands
If a Product is sold that has a Matrix Band that exists in the new Customers Matrix Band list then a Mark-up or Margin will be calculated over the Units Landed Cost. The band has to be applied first in the 'Product Units/Pricing' tab and then the % discount/margin in the company>contract>Matrix tab
5.4. Customers DEFAULT Matrix
If the Customer has the Default Matrix enabled and a Percentage has been entered then the price will be calculated using either a Mark-up or Margin over either the Products Landed Cost or the Catalog Items Unit Cost if the item is not currently a Product. This option is not used if the company is a Cash Sales company.
5.5. Customers Ultimate Parent Matrix Bands
As for the Customer Standard Matrix Band above but for when the Product band exists against the Ultimate Parent Company
Additional rules to be considered in point 7 on the main price structure:
7. Cheapest of the following: ( )
- If a Default Pricing Band has also been entered then this will also be considered at this point
- If the Pricing Band has Quantity Ranges set in admin, then the appropriate Discount/Margin for the Quantity entered off the Selling Price (again as long as the Customer is not a Cash Sales Customer) will also be considered at this point