In this article we will look at how to manage cost prices and update best price files.
Catalogue Pricing
In order to view the best prices used for an item within a catalogue;
- Select Publications
- Select Catalogues
- You will see a selection of all the catalogues you have available along with a column dedicated to showing you the last date in which the last terms file was updated.
- Double Click into the catalogue which you wish to view and select required item.
Here you will see the previous date and information used to determine the most recent cost price.
The date will only ever change if the actual cost price of the item changes.
How to update the best price manually.
To update a best price file manually you will need to;
- Select Company then Companies
- Enter Vendor Name or code and change company type to Supplier then search.
- Double click into the company and click into the Supplier tab
- Here you will see the option to upload a Best Price File (the latest best price file can be found on the vendor website).
Terms Files
You are able to update best price by uploading a recent terms file against a catalogue or mailer. To do this you will need a copy of the terms template which can be found on freshdesk along with step by step instructions on how to complete the template.
To add the template to the mailer;
- Select Publications
- Select Terms, you will now see a recent uploaded terms file along with the items and item codes within the file.
- Select the catalogue/mailer you wish apply the file against from the drop down
- Hit Apply to Catalogue
Customer PACT pricing
In addition to the above methods you are also able to obtain best prices from a customers contract. To see which PACTS you have available;
- Select Contracts Search
- Then Contracts again
- Expand the search criteria by hitting the blue at the top of the page
- In Option drop down, select PACT then search. This will then show you any PACT lists that are on file, along with if they are on a contract or if they are a shared PACT.
- Double Click into the PACT you wish to use.
- Select the PACT list at the top.
- You will then see the PACT reference with the option to Share. (If the company is already sharing a contract there is the Jump to PACT tab which will take you to the company in which the PACT list is being shared from)
- In here you will be able to see the cost price of the items, the date the PACT was last modified and who it was modified by.