An Overview of the latest Prima enhancements
Buying list
At the bottom of POP > Requirements which ever line you have selected in the top grid, the new enhancement allows you see it at the bottom instead of double clicking to change the vendor, account or to see the stock levels in other depots. You can also see if there is a saving to be made via the savings column – simply click on to the line and then click onto the account that will give you the saving at the bottom.
Also in the bottom right corner it allows you to change your preferred vendor, click on the vendor you wish to change to then check the preferred vendor check box.
Delivery Codes
This allows you to override vendor account codes at location level, previously this could only be done via PACT contracts or by setting it up in different depots or dropship.
If you wanted to change to a specific account for a location - Company > Company Locations > Add Delivery Code – Here you can set the Vendor, Delivery Type & External Code
Then you can click on Sales Order and change the delivery code
SO > Line Tab > Delivery Details Tab > Delivery Code
You can automatically dispatch items and invoices
Auto Dispatch – Schedule when orders get despatched automatically – choose the days and times.
Auto Invoice Schedule – This will automatically send out invoices – click schedule to choose the days and times
Columns in Grid Look Up
When in a look up or a grid e.g. Sales Order look up, you can right click with mouse and select Save and Reorder columns, here you can choose what you want to see, this will make it more user friendly for new users or if you aren’t using some of these columns you can simplify it by using this feature.
Payment Status
EDC usually gets the payment status every 15 minutes, however this could be affected for example if you had moved an invoice back to outstanding, the refresh button now gets you an updated payment status
Customer History
SOP > Sales Order > History Button > find item product in search > Search
This is the full history by the dates set
You can right click and export this history
Buying Lists
This is useful for products for groups (e.g. schools) that have items that they need to buy at a later date. You can search by buying list by clicking on the red bar in the Sales Order look up. Buying lists must be set up in admin. These items won’t show in requirements until the date set in the Sales Order > Buying list
To set up a buying list
Administration > General > Custom Buying List
FM Audit
Now can distinguish between external and internal readings and can be automated through scheduled.
FSM > Meter Readings
- With PAYA we have linked a magnetic strip reader, can now just swipe a customers card rather than type out the numbers
- For any new items you can create stock in the till
- Can now type in barcode and it will find item
- Can search on locations for customers – can put in Zip Code or part of location and hit search