Here we will look at the 4 different Pricing Methods that can be used on an item; Manual, Pref Vendor Last Price, Cheapest Vendor, Fluctuating on Actual Cost. 


A manual price is a set cost that does not take into account any best price file updates or anything that has come from previous Purchase Orders.  It will look at your actual cost a swell as your landing cost and it will use these costs each time the item is purchased.  Manual settings are best used for your own codes where you wish to keep strict measurements of what you want your costs to be.  

Pref Vendor, Last Price

This will look at your preferred vendors within the vendors tab as well as the costs in the products and pricing tab.  The cost will be updated with any best selling price files or Purchase Orders that come in.  This is best used for catalogue items that you don't keep in stock, that you have to purchase every time.  

Cheapest Vendor

This will look at all the vendors you have a available and will compare all the costs listed and then select the cheapest vendor. Ensure that the Include in Calculation box is ticked for the vendors you wish to include.  If you wish to exclude any vendor, simply highlight the vendor then untick the box.

Fluctuating on Actual Cost

This will look at the stock that you have available and calculate an average price based on the quantity available and the batches you have left.  This is best used if you regularly stock this item.  If you don't have any of the item in stock at the time of order, the pricing method will automatically revert back to Preferred Vendor Last Price.

  • Note: The cost price is only calculated directly after a batch of the item is received in. The cost price is not updated if stock moves

To see or set the pricing method used for an item; this can be done within the product record around the centre of the page as highlighted below.  

You are able to change the selected vendor within the sales order by selecting a vendor from the drop down underneath the item code you wish you to add to the order and selecting add & jump, which will then take you to the lines tab. 

Once in lines tab you are again able to view and change the vendors available and costs of the item by selecting the supplier cost prices tab.  If there are multiple vendor accounts available it will show each account and cost on an individual line as well as a line for any PACTs the customer may also have available.