
  • Weekly pricing based on the current market prices
  • Fastest way to respond to changing market conditions
  • Its an automated system so it frees you from constant tweaking of prices
  • Guard rails to protect your margins


Item 411 has a function called Price Plans – this allows you to generate files of the entire SP Richards and Essendant product offerings or both, and price them according to a formula that is unique to you. Price plans are a formula that you create in item 411 that can be applied against a large list of items. You can then upload these files onto your website (site price).


You can create a new mailer or update your mailer with your item411 price file by simply copying the link to the download for the Excel file – then open Prima Client > Publications > Mailers (either click new to create a new mailer or update a current one by clicking on the one you wish to update) and pasting the link into the Competitor Price File box.


Graphical user interface, application, table

Description automatically generated

You also need to make sure you set up your automation schedule for OP Software, you can find this in the Admin > Automation > Auto Pricing Schedule

There are two sites, Item411 for SP dealers and Market Xpert for Essendant dealers. BOTH can be downloaded from the https://www.opsoftware.com domain.


Your URL should begin with



Item411 may work without the HTTPS (HTTP instead), but you should always use the HTTPS OPSoftware connection for consistency.

You need to make sure that your format on the 411 website matches the format in Prima, once this has been done then the Start Date in Prima will be updated. - This is the Standard Format and then go into Options and Ex -Bid Wizard and your settings must match the screenshot below


Finally when you Export to Excel, you should NOT choose to add a wholesaler to the file, especially since it is the same wholesaler that you based the bid on.


Anything in the Wholesalers to Output OR Chains to Output will add columns to the output files.


Export the bids again, setting BOTH these filed to None. You’ll get a message saying it’s on your scheduler and the new options will be used next time.

You need to make sure that when you download your EXCEL file that you use “.XLSX” as the file extension, not “.XLS