If your invoice will not post to QuickBooks then you should check the reason why to do this go to Prima > General > Journals > Blue bar > (ADD INVOICE NUMBER IN SUBJECT FIELD) > Search > Open invoice - Here it will say the reason it has failed to post.
Checks to reduce failed invoice and credit transfers:
- The location and contact fields for the customer or vendor must have a valid emails and web address. Company must be connected (Prima checks this before sending invoice and creates it in QB if it isn't).
- Check that the invoice does not already exist in Quickbooks OR there is a credit with the same invoice number - if this is the case, you should be able to rename the credit in Quickbooks to remove the "I"
- There is a financial system key to allow ‘overwrite’ of existing invoice. i.e. if invoice was incorrect and the user does a correction after setting the invoice back to outstanding in maintenance menu – then the previous invoice will be overwritten with the new values and tax. Y as default i.e. auto overwrite on reposting. If this system key is set to 'N' then it must be removed from QuickBooks first
- Must not be paid status when trying to overwrite or will fail – so has to be updated in QuickBooks to not paid (or deleted) before reposting.
- If the payment has failed on the sales invoice, it must be changed to paid status 'No' before posting to Quickbooks to make the payment from there
Here are some examples of error messages that may occur when you have a failed invoice and how to resolve them.
FAILED to Transfer [400] BadRequest Details Email Address does not conform to the syntax rules of RFC 822 -
- This means the email address is incorrect check the email to make sure its a valid email address
FAILED to Transfer : No account mapped -
- This means the customer has no account number in the Company > Customer Tab > Account Number
FAILED to Transfer : Product/Service Llabor/Install not found in QuickBooks Online -
- This means the nominal against the sales invoice line may not have a corresponding product or service QuickBooks so you can go into Admin > General > Nominals > and change the sales nominal to an existing product or service in QuickBooks (maybe check where your other nominals are going to or use one that is already there/create a new matching product or service in QuickBooks - this has to be exactly the same)
FAILED to Transfer : Validation Exception was thrown.Details:QueryParserError: Invalid content. Lexical error at line 1, column 51 -
- This means that there is an apostrophe in the company name - this simply needs removing
FAILED to Transfer: [400] BadRequest Details The customer you have specified has been deleted -
- This means that the customer has been deleted in QuickBooks