Release Notes 2022.22



Baskets and Authorisers:
Authorizers: if a user has 'other' accounts with orders that need authorizing - login now has an indication there are other orders to be authorized. The user can also switch using the 'office block' symbol on login - to any other shared company login in one click.

1. Contacts - when budgets max, max monthly etc are exceeded - the email for other than pending status - will now be sent to the authorizer.
2. Authorisers at department level -are now available and also show in the contact authorizers grid. A 'type' has been added to show a 'location' or 'department' authoriser as well as standard authorizer.
 note: department and location authorizers should not be mixed - but if they are the department authorizer will take priority over location and location authorizer over standard contact authorizer.


Default locations. All address details now show when selecting addresses to make it more intuitive. Also added to the grid view.



Updates to basket API to allow line notes and discounts

Added order source as EvoX default on first order placed


Sales Invoices
1. Added ACTUAL COST AND MARGIN/MARKUP to the sales invoice header. Margin/markup in invoice will be based on actual cost (note in sales order based on sales cost).
2. Added the same total actual cost and margin as added on the sales invoice form to the main grid.
3. In lines mode lookup grid added actual cost.

Till invoices

(system key for account/cash ). On system key being set to N - Till invoices will not be set to externally paid cash. Till admin system key: Cash Invoices as Externally Paid Y/N (default Y)

CRS - Chargeable jobs 

US databases will create invoices as tax exempt as default unless charging separately for products in which case the product tax rate will be used. (in summary when a database is US key - invoices creates from CRS logs - unless it's separately charged at a part with a separate line will be tax exempt as default.


Merged Products
Allows a number of 'near alternative products' to be matched to one master products. On purchase stock will be transferred automatically to the master product.
This will be covered in more details in a Prima webinar.


Copy product button on product form. Products now retain the the attribute group /attributes of the product you are copying to make it faster to use as dealers usually copy similar products (then the attribute list can just be edited not recreated).

Products - Setting Up Custom Attributes
1. the attribute group now includes the ID e.g. 530 Waste Bins & Bags 531 Cleaning Products.
2. Added remove all button to remove 'all' the existing attributes values in once click e.g. manu, type, size
3. Make the two combo e.g. manu, unbranded - be searchable combos - same as in one (on the main attribute group. This makes it much easier to set items by searching any part of the string


Script created to back fix templated products created in furniture to the default nominal set up in admin.

Competitor code 411 

We now have a custom Prima layout - 2 fields only - will work for both formats on auto-import from 411.


Commission Reports 
1. Nominal per sales person - admin in administration to allow 'new nominal to override default % in nominals. - then use the sales person special nominal in the report instead of the standard nominal
2. Setup new system key:
Pay Commission for Paid Invoices Only Y/N - so Y would work in the invoice lookup as now (only allow 'commission paid for

'paid status' invoices). If N would allow any posted invoices to be set to commission paid.  Then the grid manager function to set 'paid' will work on the default set. 

Extra Report Fields
1. Source of price - add to management reports - Active report 'sales orders not invoiced - detail'.
2. Department field has been added for the box label report and despatch standard label too.
3. On Sales Order Report - added 'Line Landed Cost' and 'Margin %'
4. Department field added to invoice lines and invoice lines.
5. Company report: speed improvements - removed some columns.  Added last purchase date (also in the company lookup grid).

Sales Invoices and Credits with Tax Region Summary - updated to include

Business Group

Ship To Location Code

Ship To Location Name

Paid status (criteria)

Ship to contact

ORDER REFERENCE (this will show sales order number and sales order ID when 1:1)

Company Details Report: New Criteria
a. Customer Status: e.g. Customer, Prospect, Supplier, Customer and Prospect...
b. HQ Only Y/N (tick box) - default HQ Only = Y
c. Account manager - multi-select as in other reports.
d. Added 'last purchase date' as new column. Will show blank for companies with no purchase history.


1. Changed receipt column header to Creation Date (and updated to show date and time.
2. Add a new column for Receipt date and show date and time.
3. On creation (from available lines) of a receipt note - update the creation date to show date and time

Administration and Print Agent

Prima Admin 

New field for administrators to update the user passwords if required.

Print Scheduler 

Invoices will now print by company name order when created in the batch - currently it just does them by print status N as they are 'randomly produced' this will schedule all the notes and print them in the scheduler in that order (if using the print agent - otherwise doesn't matter as just prints in the grid or as requested in the batch printing).

Grid Managers

Catalogue (publications) grid manager
ADDED the same filters into the catalogue grid manager lookup.
1. added filter on 'if product',
2. added filter On Web Y/N/blank.


Updates to basket API to allow line notes and discounts

Bug Fixes

  • Completing Receipt Notes Automatically after X days (set in supplier/vendor record). Fix to not include 'on hold' despatch notes and better error defaults.
  • Credit cards immediate - when payment taken on web - this was not updating the sales invoice that was created on authorisation with invoice link.
  • Creating new products now ok (after bug created when copying existing attributes update in 'copy products'.
  • On contacts on second save - no longer gives 'error getting locking status'
  • When a catalogue item is on multiple mailers with no priority the cheapest mailer is now chosen for catalogue items as well as products.
  • To applying revisions/ mini revisions in contracts to prevent occasional errors.
  • Error on changing delivery code in requirements bottom grid. applied to Yuletide, OEX live.
  • On removing catalogues - grid now has priority column and was not being used correctly when removing lines from the grid. Applied to Yuletide OEX live.
  • Invoiced sales analysis report on completion date.