We now have the ability to take deposits whilst you place a sales order.

Firstly create a Sales Order >Header Details Tab > Enter an amount next to the Take Deposit Button (this can be a percentage or a value using the dropdown) > Save > Take Deposit Button.

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Upon clicking this take deposit button your order is going to be confirmed and a deposit invoice is going to be created. However at this point your order still hasn’t been authorised so any items on this order will not yet go into your requirements list nor will any stock be allocated.

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You can take a deposit at any point up until you fully authorise the order. If you enter an amount into the deposit box but do not confirm your order (click take deposit button) upon authorisation Prima will automatically take the deposit for you.


You can still make amendments to the order for example, adding other items as long as it applies to Prima’s existing rules (eg. as long as the order hasn’t been invoiced or delivered). However any items you add on after taking the deposit will not be included in the deposit invoice. You can view the deposit invoice where the take deposit button was previously.

Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated


Within your final invoice any items that have had a deposit taken for on the order will read Deposit for.. in the invoice item description, any items added after the deposit was taken will have their normal invoice item description.


If a line is deleted off the order after a deposit has been paid. 

  • If the item has been delivered, you can do a normal return and credit
  • If the item hasn’t been delivered and the line is deleted off then the customer would then lose their deposit, in this case you would need to create a manual credit via the New Record button.