QuickBooks Online
QuickBooks Plus is recommended if you want to export vendor invoices and credits from Prima to QuickBooks. If you only want to export sales invoices and credits and input a value for vendors manually, QuickBooks Essentials will be sufficient. Please note we do not intergrate with the desktop version, only online.
Account codes are optional within QuickBooks, consequently, the link between Prima and Quickbooks is based on the Company name. It is essential that you deal with any duplicate names from your legacy system before the transfer. Prima can only post to one company in Quickbooks, if you require posting to multi-company, you will need a separate database for each company.
Export – Prima will export individual line details to QuickBooks for purchase/sales invoices and credits.
Prima will also export customers and suppliers (Company name, billing address, financial contact, phone number, and email)
Import – Prima will import aged balance totals.
Stock Values are not transferred to QuickBooks; however, a stock figure can be obtained from Prima (Stock Valuation Report) and the value can be entered into QuickBooks once a month.
QuickBooks has limited facilities for importing data from Excel, please refer to their help pages to see what can be imported.
1. Prima Administration>General>Cloud Services>Set Financial to QuickBooks and leave default and tick in Active
2. When website opens, click connect to QuickBooks, log in with the customer’s username and password and connect. Check Make active> save & close
3. Customer needs to set up tax rates in QuickBooks, then we can map them in Administration>General>Tax Rates
4. In QuickBooks, set up Sales & Purchase Nominals
5. Settings>Lists>Products & Services
6. Add Product/Service>choose Services
7. Fill in Nominal Name, make same as Nominals in Prima
8. Check 'I sell this product' and 'I purchase this product'