The link between Quickbooks and prima is based on the company name, so we need to make sure there are no duplicate company names in the system before we transfer any data

If the customer has not already paid at the time of ordering you can take the payment in quickbooks or in prima.

You can take card payments through Prima by using the ' take payment button', if the payment is by cash or a cheque you can press the three dots.

Multiple invoices for the company can be paid by using the 'pay invoices button'.

You are able to highlight the invoices you would like to pay and hit 'pay selected invoices'.

If an Invoice has already been posted and paid through Quickbooks it will show with the payment status along with the date the payment was taken.

 If a payment has been taken through QuickBooks but the status still shows as outstanding, you can hit this button and it should resync.

To take a payment through Quick books you can search for the invoice and click 'Receive payment'. You can then select the invoices you wish to receive payment for and hit 'save and close'.

If an invoice has failed to post it would show as 'failed' in the posted section below.

Invoices can also be paid by going into the company> customer tab and then clicking ' details'.

If you ever lose connection to Quick books, you would need to go into Prima Administration > General >Cloud services > Financial Quick Books online US. Then click set up and enter your Quick books credentials, make sure the 'active' tick box is ticked and you can save.