The marketplace portal allows you to view and update your OWN custom product attributes, types and brands.

After logging in you will be presented with a dashboard, this gives you a summary of your own products and how many do and don't have attributes. 

View All - Views All Products

Fully Attributed - Has a Brand and a Type

Partially Attributed - Has either Brand OR Type

No Attributes - Has NEITHER a Brand or Type

In order to edit your products, you need to click on the left hand drop down and selecting Edit Attribute Groups.

You can search for products using the dropdowns in attributes, using a sku or description and those with or without an image.  Products with no brand or type will currently be in the Blank attribute group.

You can edit an individual item, adding a description, bullet points, images, videos, documentation etc, by clicking into the SKU.  You can also add an attribute group here.

You can correct any incorrect Branded/Typed products by clicking on the Brand/Type text box and make your selection of those already available or type in any new brands or types, these will then be available to choose for all future products. 

If you wish to update multiple or all products, you can do this by selecting the tick boxes next to the SKU and hit Bulk Actions.  Here you can change the Brand, Type or Attribute Groups en masse. 

Any changes made will be highlighted in yellow and indicated at the top of the page  If you wish to revert any of the changes made, simply hit the green refresh button and this will change the item back to its original groups.  Once you a ready, hit save and these products will then be uploaded to the elastic search and the green refresh button will change to grey,  

Below is also a link to a recent forum that gives a little more detailed information on the Prima Marketplace.

Prima Advanced User Forum - Prima Marketplace (