Prima Release Notes  2024.18 to next General Customer Release 2024.34



Administration has been updated so that different default bank accounts can be added for each instance (1 and 2). The exact name of the account to be used needs to be added to administration, then the payments will go directly to that account - the invoice will be automatically allocated to that payment.

Telerik Analysis Reports:

The existing 'end of life' unsupported active analysis reports have been replaced with a new control.

CET Furniture Order Imports:

1. A new format for furniture imports has been added - different from Giza2020.

2. This is now available in Ad Hoc Folder>CET Import - with SLTC transformation file which allows conversion before being moved by EDC for import.


Spread Report - Stock Valuation: the product column 'Classification' has been added to this report, so stock valuation displays classification (nominal) and web group e.g. Stationery, Jan San, Print etc. and web type.

Commission Report: updated to show delivery profit/loss - and positive/negative commission and to always NOT show the deposit line (the outstanding commission is added to the balance line when it is finally invoiced so sales get the full commission due).

Tax Table Admin:  

A new column has been added to the tax table in administration (General>Tax), with state and default Origin/Destination tax settings. When creating new locations/addresses on the webstore, the tax will be overwritten as Exempt if Admin is set to Y.

Prima Facelift

The screen size has been widened to make better use of viewable section on grids, with more defaults on lookup headers without needing to use advanced filters.

Janus Grid Controls have been removed from all areas of Prima. This control was used in many places and has now been replaced with Telerik controls which are up-to-date and fully supported with regular updates.

Till/POS improvements:

The till now supports multiple bar codes (comma-delimited) when updating in the units' tab in Prima ERP.  The search has been updated on Till and Prima ERP to return all products with that barcode (stored in a separate table with a new index). Note: duplicate bar codes can be used on alternative products.

Additionally, the till now allows the quantity adjustments directly from the popup quantity button (to be decreased as well as increased on the line). When reducing quantity, allocate/reallocate occurs.

On selecting search, the code or description can be immediately entered and searched (return/click search) in till. No separate code and description fields are required.

Till now allows users to take multiple credit card payments (or any type of payment, including gift cards, as per sales orders and invoices in Prima ERP).

Reprint button: Prima now has the feature to search for orders by item number, customer name, date, etc. Formerly the exact receipt number had to be known.

Added a new field to enter check number when paying by check or gift card reference (which now shows balance) if paying by gift card, or both.

Added a list price column to till sales order line, so the 'standard price' is displayed. Note, this field can be hidden if required.

Failed payments on credit card: the till order now displays failed message and let the user take another credit card (or any other payment) and the failed transaction is recorded as failed in external payments.

Till search products now use a view for speed and single entry.

Search improved so that PG number priority or the first one found is loaded rather than several catalog items that are all equivalent for that barcode.


Till/POS Security:

Users now have the (system key) option to use security admin so that when the system key is set the user must enter a 4-number pin to create a cash or trade order or use any of the other options. For till orders, the 'till username/ cashier' will be stored in an extra column so we have a record of who took the payment on that order and when. If an order is placed but no payment is taken, the user is updated to the new 'cashier' (order taker) if another user completes the order and takes the payment.

The security pin when typed in, is masked and NOT viewable e.g. ****

User is logged out of the order and back to main screen upon completion of any till order.

Two new administration fields have been added per user for till, with a default setting of Y in both cases. This allows till users (cashiers) to be restricted - when using a security pin - from accessing the activity report and opening the till drawer on the main form.


Till order creator now gets updated to the till order. When using the security code (system key option) the till grid will show the cashier/pin user instead of the logged in user on the terminal.  The cashier / till user is updated if the original till order creator does not take the payment.


Till/POS - Printing till invoices & tickets:


Till Printing: An option to print a full invoice or receipt invoice and an option to not print a dispatch note has been added to administration. Previously, the till always printed cash sales as receipt invoice and the dispatch note was always printed by default if the ‘print full invoice’ option was selected.

System key per company:  The administration till system key e.g. receipt printer for most trade customers, can be prioritized by the company setting (on customer tab) for trade customers.

For Trade Customer, print both Delivery Ticket and Invoice (Y) or Print Delivery Ticket only (N). A new value 'I' has been added to allow Invoice only (no dispatch note will be printed when selecting this option, for full invoices). Note:  if the till sale is not paid (on account) and therefore no invoice, only the delivery ticket will be printed.


Added system key - 'Pop-up Till Receipt Print Options' Y/N (default N). 

When ‘Y’ - added the option on check out to POPUP the three options: 'Print Receipt', 'No Receipt', or 'Email Receipt'.

If Email is selected, users will get a form to enter the email (the only mandatory field), name/company, and telephone. When details are entered, they are saved to a new 'till address'.


If the option 'Email Receipt' is selected, the user can search by email or contact number to find if the contact/ email/phone number already exists before selecting. Partial match searches are also possible.


Further Till / POS enhancement - Create and Use Gift Cards:

Updated the till/POS system to use the Receipt or Full invoice as set in the administration of printers (previously ignored when ‘CASH Customer’ was selected and always printed to Receipt).

Gift Cards: New feature has been added to create and use, take in payment, gift cards via the till:

1. Administration has now a product link - so a 'GIFT CARD' can be created and linked to the product - allowing it to be sold (in the till only to start).

2. Gift cards can be sold in till (it is a consumable item type) but require a 'gift card number' to be added (stored in a business group). Gift cards and loyalty schemes will be added/recharged in case of loyalty cards by points - default 100 is $1.

3. Till now accepts GIFT CARD NUMBERS as a payment method on the till/pos checkout. The remaining balance is automatically reduced and displayed on the checkout screen.  Customers can also check their gift card balance if they are unsure of the amount remaining.

Gift Card Administration: 

When adding gift cards in administration, they will automatically be created as consumable item templates for each Gift Card amount, name, and code created. e.g. GIFTCARD $100). Unlimited $100 Gift Cards can now be sold and then redeemed.


1. Administration now set this as a default and makes the tax status exempt by default.


2. As gift cards are consumable item type, stock is auto created on completing the order, (no pop-up requests), and the gift card will create an invoice line in till and show on the receipt note or full invoice.


Activity Report Till/POS:

The till activity report has been improved with more information for better tracking of payments and payment types (e.g. voucher, gift card, checks, cash, types of credit card/debit card) on the report, with a sub-report of detail, if required, for each payment type and credit card type.


1. The till machine name is now added to every page.


2. The summary is now broken down into Cash, Credit Cards, Gift Cards, Vouchers, Checks.

Notes: The new phase is planned to include a breakdown by credit card companies (e.g. Visa, Mastercard, Amex, Debit Card) available now in payments.


Other Enhancements: 

New Pricing Option: If the customer is marked as 'Use pricing bands' and if a special, contract or mailer price is not available, Prima would return the cheapest price available when selecting a product in quotes or sales line entry. However, dealers want the preferred supplier pricing band e.g. 10% list discount or 40% markup to be selected - not the cheapest price found. 

Commission Paid Y/N: A new column has been added to the Sales Invoice look-up grid (main tab), to show whether commission has been paid/not paid on this invoice header. This can now be exported into a spread report or Excel.

Purchase orders: When a non-EDI supplier is set to 'Prebook only and automatically prebook' in the supplier tab EDC settings, the system previously did not automatically update purchase orders to use those settings. This issue has been resolved. Now, if items are due the next working day on non-EDI orders, they will automatically be pre-booked, similar to standard EDI orders.

CRM queries - automated web queries and contract grid manager CRM queries updated, these features allow scheduled creation of marketing lists based on the following;

1. Gap analysis queries: Added the ability to analyze which web groups are being purchased or not.

2. Clear Address Book: Added an automation feature to clear the address book.

Sales Credits: Credit Status Updates: Credit status, balance, modified date, and Financial ID from the cloud financial system, are now displayed on the header and are updated on posting OR refresh.

Sales Invoice Lookup: Credit control features

1. Overdue Filters: Added filter with 1, 30,60,90 days overdue, based on the due date. If the due date is not populated, the system defaults to 'Invoice date +30 days' i.e. default credit terms 30 days when not notified.

2. Trading Status Button: A new “Trading Status” button has been added to the top filter. 'Trading Status' will pop up with selected lines from the grid and show a unique line per customer with current trading status, credit limit and the outstanding amount with the option to change to whatever values are in the trading status drop-down e.g. on hold, normal trading etc. for all selected customers in the grid.

3. External Payment references: Added filters for external payment references, which can be multiple lines per invoice and are held in separate tables for external payments. This allows users to quickly find an invoice by the reference number.

Catalog Imports

Import Issues: If customers forget to run EDC or there isn’t enough memory, catalogs may not be imported. The message has been updated to prompt the customer to re-import the catalog and then report to support if issues persist.

A column on the catalog header now shows which catalog has not been imported - awaiting import Y.

When the catalog is selected and marked ‘Y’, a button on the catalog header allows the user to 'Import during working hours' - only one at a time after the EDC has had a chance to import overnight.


Purchase Invoices:

1. Vendor Invoice Number Duplication: Prima now checks for duplicate vendor invoice numbers when completing a purchase invoice and prevents completion until the number is unique.

2. Duplicate Number Handling: The vendor invoice number field will not be saved if it’s a duplicate number/string.


Credit Invoices: Users can change the actual and sales cost price after the sales credit is posted (like on sales invoices) the actual and sales costs are now updated on the line and the header (in the background on the header).

SPR stock check: Fixed an issue when stock checks failed if the Priority Account No. was different from the Vendor Code for the Buyer. i.e. if the dealer has different accounts for depots, it would error with invalid login.

Sales Orders History: Repeated lines in a sales order with the same product code will now correctly display as repeated in the invoice history. Note: these repeated lines were only displayed once because the date was null for creation on that line - the invoice date is now used as it always exists.


Stock Checking - The grid sort order is now saved, excluding dynamic columns.


Editing minimum quantity / reorder quantity on Supplier (ISG) items: Users can now edit the reorder quantity and minimum quantity in the supplier record for ISG items. 


Status Update button: added to Sales Credits Status, balance, modified date and refresh, and financial ID (from cloud financials).


Mailer filter in Product Lookup:  The mailer filter now correctly returns only the selected mailers.


Admin for CRS out of line: Fixed issues where letters were shown instead of values for default parts, and missing descriptions.


Cash credits on till reprint: Users can now reprint a credit note for CASH sales, - i.e. if you've done a return, it prints out the sales credit for this return by number or company search returns a list.

PrimaGo Enhancements:


Create baskets/external orders:  Prima Webstore now uses Cloud Pricing, restricted to the system key display decimal places for calculations and saving values on the web. 

The webstore now returns the same result as if typed into the Prima ERP - this prevents rounding errors and differences in the Cloud Financial posting.


Invoicing on the web: A filter has been added so that users can only see invoices for their orders and/or see all invoices if that user has permission to see both options.


PrimaGo: Orderpads Notes Field:

The notes field is now updated from orderpad. Previously, if notes were updated in the orderpad, they were lost upon synchronization of the orderpad list. Now, when added to the cart, these notes will appear and can be overwritten for single use but will remain in the orderpad until edited.


PrimaGo Bugfixes:

1. Web Invoice Logo: Fixed an issue where the Prima logo appeared instead of the customer's logo.

2. Ship to Address on Standard Invoices: The ‘Ship to’ address is now available on the web for viewing and printing in the correct format.

3. Date Format on Sales Invoices: The date format on sales invoices displayed on the webstore has been corrected (e.g., July 16, 2024).

4. Favourites List in Till: Items selected from the bottom of the grid now render correctly when using the slider.