Tax in Prima is either set as origin or destination depending on the state and zip code of the OWN company address in Prima - can look this up in Admin>TAX
These rates are updated automatically each month by Prima using the latest Avalara tax tables. If you want to change any rate manually, you can double click each one or by highlight several and pressing the 'update selected' button.
If you do not want a rate to be overwritten by the latest rates from Avalara automatically, you can use a 9 digit zip code against a company address (incl the OWN address) and then add this 9 digit zip code in Admin so it will always use this rate and not change unless you update it manually.
All customer addresses that are set to the 'product default' tax rate will calculate the tax on non exempt items either using origin or destination tax (set from the OWN company). If the OWN company is set as destination tax it will use the rate set in admin of the zip code of the customer address.
If you want a customer to be exempt from tax, please set the tax rate in the locations to 'exempt transactions'. You can also set an individual addresses to pick up another set rate from admin or set it manually in the location itself:
New Customer addresses will pick up the tax rate from the customer HQ address, ie if a customer HQ address is set to exempt transactions, all new addresses will also be the same (but can be set afterwards). The default tax rate of a brand new customer will come from the OWN company HQ address. You can also set the default of a state to be exempt - if you set the rates in here, it will ignore the customer HQ tax rate and use the state default instead....