You can download the SP “Standard Matrix” files by creating a new mailer in Publications>Mailers and once saved, choose a Price Plan and Price Type

There are 6 different versions. All versions are provided to software providers, including Prima. They are also posted to SPR Advantage for all customers to download, free of charge.

Full Matrix - The version is applied to all skus using the Code, M/U, Min Disc, and Max Disc. for that version.

Standard Wrap - The priced skus from Select Catalog Standard version are removed from the sku list and the remaining items are priced using the Code, M/U, Min Disc, and Max Disc. for that version. Once the remaining items are priced, the skus from the Select Standard version are added back into the file to complete the file. This is where the term "Wrap" is used as the items outside of Select Catalog are priced around or "wrapped" around the already priced Select skus.

Aggressive Wrap - Same as Select Standard Wrap, except Select Aggressive version pricing is used.