1. Once in the Company Record select the Customer tab.
2. The Invoice Profile will be displayed at the top of the customer section. The profile set will dictate the particular invoicing method which are listed below.
No Invoice Profile – At any point this is set, you would not be able to invoice the customer. Ensure no customers have this set (you can view via the company grid & sort on invoice profile).
Merged Invoice – Consolidated invoice (despatched Lines only) – If you choose this option, select how often you want the invoices to be consolidated from 'Invoice Date Profile'
Single Invoice by Sales Order - (Despatched Lines only) – Invoice generated per Sales Order
Single Invoice by Despatch Note - (Despatched lines only) – Invoice generated per Despatch Note
Single Invoice by Fully Despatched Sales Order – No lines will appear to be invoiced until all lines have been despatched and by Sales Order
Merged Invoices by Location - Prima will produce a merged invoice per delivery location
Merged Invoices by Cost Centre - Prima will produce a merged invoice per each individual cost centre
Merged Invoices by Cust. Department - Prima will produce a merged invoice per customer department
Merged Invoices by Cust. Reference - Prima will produce a merged invoice per customer reference
Alongside Invoice Profiles, you also have an Invoice Date Profile.
Standard - when items are in a despatched or later status, they will be available for invoicing as soon as they are progressed to despatch.
Monthly, Weekly or Fortnightly - items will not display until 3 days before the Next Invoice Date. If you have Monthly set and your next invoice date is the 31st of December, items will show in your Invoice > Available Lines to be invoiced 3 days before this date. Once you have generated the invoices and gone through with your invoice process, due to the Invoice Date Profile being set to monthly, it will automatically generate the Next Invoice Date to the end of the following month.
Other Invoice options, you have are noted below:
Invoice Medium - the default medium in which customers would receive their invoices. Options include, EMail, Fax, Letter, Phone or None. The Invoice Medium is designed to be used in conjunction with the Batch Process in Invoicing which separates customers based on invoice medium and will generate the relevant job. E.G 50 customers set to EMail and 50 customers set to Letter. The batch process would separate the customers and perform the relevant actions set in the Invoice Medium.
Invoice On Authorisation - the facility to generate an automatic outstanding invoice for a customer once a Sales Order is authorised. This is designed for the 'bad payers' as such to generate an invoice as soon as possible.
Once you have amended any of the above, don't forget to click the 'Save' icon..