The Web Pay Type function within the Product & Pricing tab of the company record denotes how the company will pay for their order.

Dealer Default - This will inherit the Web Pay Type from the OWN company.

Account - The customer will pay on account and will be invoiced for the goods.

Credit Card - The customer will pay for their goods through the online payment gateway. (Will take payment immediately)

Credit Card or Account - The customer has the option to pay for their goods through the online payment gateway or pay on account and will be invoiced for the goods. 

Pre-Auth - The payment is pre - authorized at the time the order is placed and can be taken once the goods have been fully despatched. (Will allow you to take payment on the invoice up to 7 days after invoice is created)

Pre-Auth or Account - The payment is pre - authorized at the time the order is placed and can be taken once the goods have been fully despatched or can pay on account and will be invoiced for the goods.