If you purchased a line and can't find it on a receipt note, try the following:

  1. Check the links button to see if it's already on a Receipt Note
    • In the purchase order, navigate to the Lines tab > Select the item you're looking for > 'Main' sub tab (second half of window) > Links button.
    • Any Receipt notes with this line on it will be listed in the Links button. Double click one the receipt note line to open it.
    • If there are multiple Receipt notes listed, that's because the item has been added to one receipt note, then deleted and added to a different one. Or, a partial quantity of the item is on one receipt note, then the remaining quantity on a second receipt note.
    • Many times, the 'Auto-Build Receipt Note' option is ticked when the purchase order is completed. If the receipt note is not in the links button, then this option was not ticked. 


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated


  1. If there are no receipt notes shown in the Links button, then this item has not been put on a receipt note yet and needs to be added to one. 
  2. If no receipt note is found in the Links button or in available lines, double check if the Purchase Order is purchased
    • If the PO is in ‘Outstanding’ status, the purchase order is not yet purchased.