Checks to perform when an item returns to the requirements:
1. Are there any notes against the requisition? Often if an item is forced through the requirements by manually adjusting the purchase unit for a vendor that does not sell the item in this pack size, the item will return to the requirements due to a pack change. In instances such as this, you will need to check the pack size in the catalog to ensure that you are ordering the correct pack size. If the pack size in the catalog for this vendor matches the purchase unit you will need to contact the vendor directly in order to check the pack size that they have put in the catalog. If the vendor has accepted the order despite returning the error, you will need to progress this requirement line onto a non EDI order in order to progress the sales order through to the dispatch and invoicing stage. The same is true if you were ordering this item for stock, however, this would be to enable you to receipt the goods in.
2. Has the line been deleted from the purchase order? If an item has been deleted from a purchase order, this line will be placed back into the requirements.