An item must be made in to a Product in Prima before it can be purchased.

From the Requirements list, double-click on the line which needs a Stock Code

Near the top of the screen in the center you will see a button Make Product.

Click on the button then a pop up will appear

Highlight the code which you want Product to be created against

Click Create Product

Once created the system will take you straight into the Product Record. Use the Close button to take you back to the Requirements screen and Purchase the line.

If an error message is returned when trying to make the product, this is usually due to the stock code already existing on the system. To check this go to stock - products and search for the code that you are trying to create, if this product is returned in the results you will need to discontinue this code and re-create the item from the imported order.

If the item does not show, change the status in the drop down to 'Discontinued' and search again. You will then need to add the pre-fix DIS to this stock code.

Note. A Product can also be created from a Sales Order, and from the Catalogue Item via the Publications module.