There are multiple Statuses for Purchase Orders, depending on what stage the Order is up to in the Purchasing process.
What does each Status mean?
Outstanding - Means that the Purchase Order has not yet been purchased.
Awaiting Acknowledgement - The order has been sent down the EDI and the vendor has not yet acknowledged the order and sent the acknowledgement file back to the system to confirm. When an order is Awaiting Acknowlegement, the EDI Status will say Pending.
Awaiting Receipt - The order has been purchased, and the Receipt Note is waiting to be created from Movements > Receipts > Available Lines.
Partially Received - The order has been receipted, but not with the whole quantity.
Stocked - On Pre-Book in Note - The order has been purchased and an Outstanding Receipt note has been created automatically, which you can find from the purchase order through the Lines tab > Links.
Stocked - The order has been purchased and the receipt note has been completed.
Invoiced - The order has been purchased and the Purchase Invoice has been completed.
Returned - The order has been returned through a Vendor Return.
Deleted - The order has been deleted...