- Click the New Record button at the top left of your Prima and select Purchase Order.
- Enter in your vendor information and a reference (for example, 'Stock Order'). When you are happy to proceed, click Create
- When you have then created your purchase order, go to the Lines tab and then to the Click Here To Create New Record and enter in your product code / product description.
- When you are happy with the code and the quantity, click the save icon at the top left of the purchase order.
- To add multiple lines to the order, click in the bottom half of your purchase order on the previously added line (this is to get the focus around the section you want to create a new record for) and then click the New icon in the top left of the purchase order. You would then perform the same action in updating your code, quantity etc.
- When you are happy with the order, click the drop down stating Outstanding and amend to Purchase and click apply. You will then be prompted with the below purchase box.
By selecting the Standard Purchase Only this will prevent the order from going via EDI. If you want to send via EDI and the option is available, you can tick the box Purchase Electronically
If you Auto Build Receipt Note you then do not have to create the receipt note manually as this will be performed for you.
To finish off the process, when the items have been received you will then need to receipt the goods in.
Go to Movements > Receipts and search for your outstanding receipt note (you can use the date filters or purchase order reference). If you have not selected to Auto-Build Receipt Note you will need to generate a receipt note from the available lines in Movements - Receipts
You can then amend your receipt note and complete which then places the items into stock as per the receipt note confirmation.