- Log in to Administration
- General Administration -> Nominal Groups
- Click on New Classification
- Enter Classification Name e.g. Clothing
- Attach to Nominal using the dropdown list
- Create a Product Group name
- Create a Product Sub-Group name
- Save & Close
This Classification will now be available for selection within the Stock ->Products module
How can I find products without a classification assigned to them.
- This can be done using the Product Main Grid Manager.
- Search for stock products with the classification of Unclassifed and Unspecified.
- In the Result tab, remove any results that you do not wish to update.
- In the change tab, you will be able to set a classification against these products (you can also update groups and sub-groups).
- Click Apply
- You can repeat the above steps until all classifications are set against the product records and there are no products in the Result tab.
How do I update some incorrect classification groups.
You can change these via the Grid Manager.
Use the search options to refine the search.
Once the search has been completed go to the Change tab
- Tick Update Classification / Groups / Sub Group and select the correct Classifications
- Click Apply