Checklist for Products not showing on the Webstore:

  • Tick box "Available on Web" in Product Unit/Pricing (stock + catalogue product)
  • No attributes (in the info tab)
  • Catalogue not assigned to WS Control (please note stock products with no catalogue, the default catalogue needs to be assigned for these)
  • Catalogue Expired
  • Characters in Product Name (E.G - ' )

If all of these details are correct and the item still isn't being shown on the webstore; within the product > product units/pricing tab, untick the item as being available on the web, click save, then re-add it as available on the website and save again.  The item should re-sync and be showing again on the website a few minutes later.


Will Items without a stock code still show on the web?

Catalogue items WILL show on the webstore, regardless of whether they have been created as a stock product, provided that the catalogue is in the list of publications assigned to the WSCONTROL company and the catalogue item is marked as available on the webstore. To mark catalogue items as available online:

  • Go to the Publication Grid Manager.
  • Select the catalogue that you wish to mark available on the webstore and click Search
  • In the Results tab, remove any records that you do not wish to update by highlighting the lines and selecting Remove Selected Records
  • In the Change tab select Allow on Web and Apply