As the item has been despatched, it will have an Outstanding line waiting to be invoiced.
- Go to Invoicing -> Sales Invoices
- Click Available Lines
- Enter the Sales Order or Despatch Note number at the top
- From the Options select All Available Lines Ignoring Any Profile Set
- Click Search
- Highlight the line, click Create Invoices
- Open the Outstanding Sale Invoice
- Delete the line(s) if necessary for any item(s) which are not being returned. They will go back to the Outstanding Items list for your Monthly Invoice.
- Leave only the line(s) to be returned on the invoice and then Complete
- You can then raise a Customer Return for Credit, and the line will not appear on the Monthly Invoice
NOTE: If you use the date filter for monthly invoicing then this month will have rolled on as an invoice has been created. Go to the Company record, click onto the Customer Tab and set the month for the next monthly invoicing.