1. Bad email address – you can’t have multiple or ‘incorrect syntax emails’.
2. Zip code is required (otherwise tax can’t be calculated and the invoice will go to failed).
3. Company when created – moved to customer can’t have an @ code as account code – if this is not changed invoice will move to outstanding failed (update code and post manually and future invoices to that company will post).
4. Company locations/address lookup has filter to show any zip’s that don’t exist in the tax table (usually because it’s missing or incorrect)
5. Missing ledger accounts e.g. ‘used furniture’ set as a nominal on the invoice line but not mapped in Quickbooks
The journals will tell you the error messages – e.g. incorrect syntax, missing account (you need to filter on system journals today) this is really just for information – you can usually just check the above and repost. Once a company is correct it should stay correct and invoices post in real time.