- A new pack size can added to Prima in the Administration Module.
- Login to the Administration, select General Admin then Units at the bottom of the page you select New Unit. You will then be able to assign this to products in Prima.
How to add a new unit size to a product
The following are instructions on how to add different product unit sizes:
If you need a smaller unit size than the default:
1. Go to the product page by using Stock > Products > then searching for the product you wish to change
2. On the products page, go to the second tab ‘Product Units / Pricing
3. Now, press the ‘New’ button on the very top left of the page to add a new unit of measure.
4. Use the bottom portion of the screen to select your unit type and size, and you may also enter the cost and price as well. (Landed Cost will auto calculate based on the Actual Cost) Save.
If you need a larger unit size than the default:
1. Go to the product page by using Stock > Products > then searching for the product you wish to change
2. Use the ‘Split Unit’ Button to bring up the Split Pack pop-up
3. Enter in the unit size first, then select the appropriate product type IMPORT NOTE: This process can only be used ONCE per product, so please select the LARGEST unit size you will ever need. This will change any lines on SO’s, PO’s and available inventory to this unit. This process is IRREVERSIBLE
4. Once the largest unit size is created, you can now use the above steps to create any smaller units you require