Common tips for troubleshooting syncing issues with the Proof Of Delivery application (POD app).
- Confirm internet connectivity with the device. Loss of cell signal is the most common syncing issue.
- Confirm that the user logged into the device is the driver assigned to the Manifest that has been loaded.
- Confirm that the user logging into the app has not also logged in to the Prima Client. POD users that log into the Client can cause issues with login status and syncing. Use a login denoted as "User POD" or something similar to avoid confusion.
- Confirm that the POD user is set up as an Administrator.
- Close and reload the app.
- Restart the device.
- Override the manifest in the Client and rebuild it to be sent to the driver again.
If the above tips do not work,
- Uninstall and reinstall the app. You will need the database key, so save this in a note on the device first.
- Create a new Admin user with the assigned route.