Below are the invoice types that you may see in the Avail Lines lookup

I - Invoices (using any of the profile options)

A - Automatic Support Contract with Consolidated Invoices

- Support Contract with Separate Invoices

S - Single where Single Invoices are always created eg Cash Sales, Own Company and Orders Marked as Paid.

T/E - Sales orders where a payment profile has been set up:

T (full payment taken) 

E (prepaid)

P - Payment Scheduled Invoices (Not used)

Entries of type A, B and S will appear on all Options if the check box is ticked to include these.

means the system knows it must do a Single Invoice per Sales Order irrespective of any invoice profile rules the dealer may have setup against customers or any of the options other than Company Profile that the user chooses in the lookup.

All Sales Orders for the Cash Sales company fall into this category and all orders from external sources (Webstore, Amazon) that have been marked as already paid by the customer.

Related Id usually shows the sales order number or other linked document number and will show -1 for consolidated sales orders.