When doing purchasing manually, you have to highlight everything you would like to purchase and click purchase at the bottom in Pop > Requirements, however you can automate this process.


In Prima Admin you can tell Prima to pick up everything for a certain vendor – this will automatically push through orders without you having to do anything.

Client > Company > Location Grid Manager

To allow the auto purchasing schedule to run for all companies - go into the Company Locations grid manager > hit search to select all locations (or filter to select specific locations/customers to allow) > in the change tab, tick 'auto purchase' to enable on these locations.

Admin > Automation > Auto Purchase Set up

Next, you need to set up which vendors and what delivery types you would like to automate.


To set up a new one, fill in the following dropdown boxes

Choose Supplier (must be an EDI one) > Depot > Delivery Type> Supplier Del Code

Then choose Enable Auto Purchase dropdown and you can choose between Yes scheduled (you would need to set a time) or Yes on completion (this would mean Prima would send the purchase order as soon as it hits requirements.

Check Stock – you can ask Prima to check Stock first so it will only send orders if the item is in stock so that it doesn’t bounce back

Allow Multi Suppliers – If you have a few items on order and you are unable to get them all from the same supplier – this allows you to choose if you would like to automate them or leave them in requirements.

Graphical user interface

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If you have Enable Auto purchase set to scheduled you will need to go to Admin > Automation > Auto Purchase Schedule > Edit schedule

This is where you choose Weekly or Monthly and the days you would like it to run – you can also set up as many jobs  you want throughout the day.

Graphical user interface

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Once set up you will be able to see in Prima Client > POP > Requirements > Auto Purchase column

– Scheduled – set up and ready to go vendor on the times set in admin as it meets the criteria set up in admin

- it didn’t meet the criteria or it has reset to N – been rejected (vendor may not have item in stock), if you scroll along to the notes column this will give you the reason as to why it’s been rejected